DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Ophthalmology Crystalline lens dislocation

Crystalline lens dislocation


Crystalline lens dislocation (Latin Ectopia lentis) — full (dislocation) or a partial (incomplete dislocation) ectopia lentis from the place of usual situation.

Crystalline lens Dislocation symptoms:

Crystalline lens dislocation at dogs and cats.

Most often dislocation of a crystalline lens is observed at dogs, but in rare instances it occur at people and cats. In a normality the crystalline lens is kept by tsinnovy sheaves. Maldevelopment of these sheaves leads to a partial ectopia lentis, usually both eyes are exposed to it. Also dislocation of a crystalline lens can develop as a result of injuries, formation of a cataract (reduction of diameter of a crystalline lens can stretch and tear sheaf tsinnova), or glaucoma (increase in an eyeglobe also stretches sheaves). At cats dislocation of a crystalline lens can develop as an effect of a uveitis of an anterior chamber of an eye.

Crystalline lens dislocation in an anterior chamber of an eye.

At the same time the crystalline lens presses on an iris and actually moves to an anterior chamber of an eye. Damage of a cornea can result, develop glaucoma or a uveitis. The uveitis (an eye inflammation) causes a miosis (narrowing of a pupil), thereby holding a crystalline lens in an anterior chamber of an eye, outflow of intraocular liquid is at a loss and respectively intraocular pressure increases that leads to glaucoma. The probability of success of operation on removal of a crystalline lens is more if it is carried out before development of secondary glaucoma (understand improvement of sight and normal intraocular pressure as success). Secondary glaucoma as a result of dislocation of a crystalline lens occurs at cats less than dogs as cats possess deeper anterior chamber of an eye, and against the background of chronic inflammations of eyes have a synchysis more often. Crystalline lens dislocation in an anterior chamber of an eye demands immediate medical intervention.

Crystalline lens dislocation in a back chamber of the eye.

At the same time the crystalline lens moves to a vitreous and lies on an eyeground. This type of dislocation of a crystalline lens is less problematic though it can also cause development of glaucoma or inflammations of an eye. Dogs with serious symptoms need operation. If to remove a crystalline lens before its further moving to an anterior chamber of an eye, then it is possible to avoid developing of secondary glaucoma.

Crystalline lens incomplete dislocation.

The partial ectopia lentis also occurs at dogs and cats. Symptoms are: trembling of an iris of the eye (iridodonesis) or a crystalline lens (факодонез), the so-called effect of an afakichesky sickle (lack of a crystalline lens), reddening of a conjunctiva, loss of a vitreous in an anterior chamber of an eye or its destruction, change of the size of an anterior chamber of an eye is possible. Surgical removal of a crystalline lens before development of a complete dislocation helps to avoid secondary glaucoma. As a nonsurgical way of treatment use miotic drugs which narrow a pupil, and it does not allow to develop to a complete dislocation in an anterior chamber of an eye.

Внешний вид больного с вывихом хрусталика

Outward of the patient with crystalline lens dislocation

Crystalline lens Dislocation reasons:

Inborn underdevelopment, weakness or partial lack of tsinnovy sheaves. A rupture of the last at a stupid injury or their degeneration and a vitreous.
The diseases of the person which are followed by crystalline lens dislocation.

Frequent cases:

    * Marfan's syndrome
    * Homocystinuria
    * Veylya-Marchezani's syndrome
    * Deficit of an oxidase of sulfite
    * Giperlizinemiya


    * Elers's syndrome — Danlosa
    * Kruzon's syndrome
    * Refsum's syndrome
    * Knist's syndrome
    * Tricher Collins's syndrome
    * Shturge-Weber's syndrome
    * Konradi-Hyunermann's syndrome
    * Pfaundler's disease
    * Roben's syndrome
    * Vildervank's syndrome
    * Shprengel's deformation

Treatment of Dislocation of a crystalline lens:

At an incomplete dislocation and uncomplicated dislocation — purpose of corrective lenses if they improve sight. At the complicated dislocation — operation of removal of a crystalline lens.

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