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Squint (strabismus or geterotropiya) — any abnormal disturbance of parallelism of visual axes of both eyes. The position of eyes which is characterized by not crossing of visual axes of both eyes on the fixed subject. An objective symptom — the asymmetrical provision of corneas concerning corners and edges a century.

Squint symptoms:

    * Distinguish inborn (is present at the birth or appears in the first 6 months) and the acquired squint (appears up to 3 years).

Most often explicit squint is horizontal: meeting (convergent strabismus) (or an esotropia (esotropia)) or the dispersing squint (divergent strabismus) (or an exotropia (exotropia)); however it can sometimes be observed and vertical (with a deviation up - a hypertropia, from top to bottom - a hypotropia).

    * Also squint shares on monocular and alternating.

        * At monocular squint always mows only one eye which the person never uses. Therefore sight of the mowing eye most often is sharply reduced. The brain adapts in such a way that information is read out only from one, not mowing eye. The mowing eye does not participate in the visual act, therefore, its visual functions continue to decrease even stronger. Such state is called an amblyopia, i.e. low sight from functional inaction. If it is impossible to recover sight of the mowing eye, squint improves to remove cosmetic defect.

        * Alternating squint is characterized by the fact that the person looks alternately one, other eye, i.e. though alternately, but uses both eyes. The amblyopia if develops, then in much easier degree.

    * On an origin squint happens consensual and paralytic.

        * The concomitant strabismus arises usually at children's age. Preservation of full volume of movements of eyeglobes, equality of primary squint angle (i.e. deviations of the mowing eye) and secondary (i.e. healthy), lack of doubling and disturbance of solid vision is characteristic of it.

        * Paralytic squint is caused by paralysis or injury of one or several oculomotor muscles. It can result from the pathological processes affecting muscles, nerves or a brain.

Restriction of mobility of the mowing eye towards action of the affected muscle is characteristic of paralytic squint. As a result of hit of images on disparatny points of retinas of both eyes there is a diplopia which amplifies at a look in the same party.

One or both eyes can deviate aside, is more often to a nose, or "to float" as if. Such phenomenon often occurs at babies, but by 6 months it has to disappear. Happens that parents take a peculiar arrangement and a section of eyes for squint (for example, at children to a wide nose bridge). Over time the shape of a nose changes, and imaginary squint disappears.

Правостороннее сходящееся косоглазие

The right-hand meeting squint

Альтернирующее косоглазие

Alternating squint

Squint reasons:

Diseases of a nervous system of the child, tumor, children's infectious diseases, points with the wrong centering, and also injuries can become the reason of an illness.

Often squint is a symptom of other eye diseases, as a rule, inborn. Quite often defects in development of the muscular device of eyes become the reason also.

Adults the reason of squint can have injuries of the head and multiple sclerosis.

Treatment of Squint:

Ophthalmologists are engaged in treatment of squint.

There are various ways of treatment of squint — therapeutic and surgical.

    * Pleoptichesky treatment is the strengthened visual load of the mowing eye. At the same time various methods of stimulation worse than the seeing eye are used by the therapeutic laser, medical computer programs.

    * Orthoptic treatment is a treatment with use of the synoptic devices and computer programs recovering binocular activity of both eyes.

    * Diploptichesky treatment — recovery of solid and stereoscopic vision under natural conditions.

    * A training on a konvergentstrener — the technique improving work of internal direct oculomotor muscles (data to a nose - convergence).

Opinion that squint can pass by itself, mistakenly. Moreover, in the absence of treatment development of serious complications is possible. Therefore at emergence of the first symptoms of squint it is necessary to visit the ophthalmologist at once.

It is especially important as the refusal of treatment can result further in impossibility in the future to choose a profession of the surgeon, artist, professional driver and a number of other specialties and professions connected with hard visual work.

It is reasonable to continue treatment up to 18-25 years, before the end of formation of an organ of sight.

At squint work practically in all departments of the visual analyzer is broken. Therefore treatment of this disease has to be complex, that is the full complex of treatment on special devices is necessary.

On a thicket the mowing eye gradually there is a decrease in visual acuity, that is the amblyopia develops. It, in turn leads to a bigger deviation of an eye. Thus, the vicious circle is started. At squint conservative treatment with use of hardware methods is carried out (sometimes 3-4 times a year). They are directed to treatment of an amblyopia (if it is) and to recovery of bridges between eyes, that is the child images from the right and left eye in a uniform visual object learn to merge.

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