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The term 'amblyopia' is used for the description of a vision disorder which does not improve points and is present at an eye which looks normal. This state is also called "a lazy eye" in the people and can arise for a number of reasons.

The visual system of the person completely develops by 9-11 years. To this age the visual system of children adapts to disturbances in sight suppression of the visual object received from a sore eye. If to reveal an amblyopia in time, its reason can be corrected, and sight is recovered. However, approximately after 11 years very difficult if, in general, it is possible to teach to use a brain a sore eye in the normal mode.

Amblyopia symptoms:

    * Poor eyesight in one or both eyes
    * A deviation aside or closing of one eye during reading or viewing of the TV
    * Squint
    * Turn or a ducking at a look regarding interest

Consider that children very seldom complain of poor eyesight. They easily adapt to any vision disorder. From parents good observation that in time to find possible problems is required.

Пациент с амблиопией

The patient with an amblyopia

Amblyopia reasons:

The amblyopia most often develops as a result of squint, an inborn cataract, opacification of a cornea, a ptosis of an upper eyelid, a difference in sight between eyes and nekorrigiruyemy short-sightedness, far-sightedness or an astigmatism. The amblyopia can be various degree of manifestation - from insignificant decrease in sight to photoperception.

Patients with an amblyopia have no solid vision - ability of a brain to correctly compare two images of both eyes in a single whole. This ability is necessary for an opportunity to estimate depth, i.e. what subject under review is for what. At an amblyopia it is impossible.

Treatment of the Amblyopia:

Treatment begins with correction of the reason which caused an amblyopia. If this disturbance of a refraction, then the corresponding points, contact lenses and even laser correction of sight appoint. Squint will demand special treatment, and at its not success and surgical treatment. The inborn cataract and omission (in the medical ptosis language) an upper eyelid are treated surgically. After elimination of the reason of an amblyopia start its direct treatment. The doctor can appoint sticking up of an eye with the best sight that will force the child to use a sore eye and by that to develop his sight. With the same purpose can appoint a long instillation of drops of atropine in the best eye. Besides, ways of stimulation of an ambliopichny eye by light flashes - so-called photostimulation are developed. Irrespective of the fact which treatment is applied, the most important is timeliness of its beginning, till the moment until the brain of the child learned to suppress or ignore an ambliopichny ("lazy") eye forever.

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