Cataplexy (from Greek cata - the movement down, plege - blow) - the short-term relaxation of muscles which is followed by falling of the patient.
Cataplexy symptoms:
During an attack the head overhangs, hands fall, legs weaken, the patient cannot move either the head, or extremities, consciousness is kept. Duration of an attack is more often small (from several seconds to 3 min.). Longer attacks are only seldom or never observed. The attack is followed by face reddening, perspiration, delay of pulse, disappearance of reflexes from mucous membranes, sinews, skin. In some cases the attack of a dream and a cataplexy develop at the same time or consistently pass one into another.
Cataplexy reasons:
Arises usually in connection with emotional experiences, is more often than positive character (the patient falls during laughter). The cataplexy is observed in 70% of cases of a narcolepsy.
Treatment of the Cataplexy:
A little 15 — 20-minute breaks for a short day dream considerably improve a condition of patients. Patients have to avoid a monotonous environment, plentiful food, alcohol, hypnagogues. At the expressed day drowsiness interfering professional activity resort to reception of psychostimulants: Mazindolum, methylphenidate, amphetamine or ephedrine. Drugs appoint in 3 — 4 receptions (the last reception not later than 16 h). All drugs possess sympathomimetic side effect and are capable to cause dependence. Drug treatment of a cataplexy and decubitus paralitis is necessary only at the expressed frustration, it consists in prescription of antidepressants, slowing down the return serotonin reuptake — кломипрамин (anafranit), fluoxetine (Prozac).