DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Endocrinology Mauriac's syndrome

Mauriac's syndrome


Mauriac's syndrome — a heavy complication of a diabetes mellitus of 1 type at children. It is for the first time described by the French doctor Pierre Mauriac (P. Mauriac, 1882 — 1963) in 1930.


The pathogeny is unknown. There is disputable a question of whether the syndrome is a special form of a diabetes mellitus or this combination of two diseases. The main reason for a syndrome of Mauriac consider chronic insulin insufficiency. The growth inhibition is connected with catabolic action of glucocorticoids which it is excessive allocated with a hyperreactivity of bark of adrenal glands, and sexual infantility is explained with braking by somatotropic and gonadotropic function of a hypophysis.

Symptoms of a syndrome of Mauriac:

Mauriac's syndrome develops at children with a heavy current of a diabetes mellitus of 1 type more often, is long not receiving adequate therapy by insulin. The clinical picture is characterized by development and progressing of a hepatomegalia, "cushingoid" redistribution of a hypodermic fatty tissue, a delay of physical and sexual development.

Синдром Мориака у ребенка

Mauriac's syndrome at the child

Treatment of a syndrome of Mauriac:

Main objective of treatment — permanent compensation of a diabetes mellitus.

Treatment difficult includes selection of an adequate dose of insulin. To patients in a diet limit fats, however provide enough carbohydrates including easily acquired. Appoint lipotropic drugs, vitamins, including group B, physiotherapeutic procedures to area of a liver. For stimulation of growth appoint anabolic steroids in age dosages.

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