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Syndrome of the isolated hypophysis


Syndrome isolated a hypophysis - the endocrinological syndrome arising at a rupture of a leg of a hypophysis and characterized first of all by the hypopituitarism phenomena.

Строение нормального гипофиза

Structure of a normal hypophysis

Symptoms of the Syndrome of the isolated hypophysis:

Disturbance of water exchange has three-phase character: in the beginning sharply the polyuria develops, then approximately on 7 — the 10th day at young patients follows a phase of normal water exchange and, at last, permanent development of not diabetes mellitus. This triad is explained by the fact that in the beginning sharply you lose receipt of ADG in a back share of a hypophysis, then there is its autolysis to release of hormones in a blood stream and, at last, there comes complete cessation of receipt in blood of antidiuretic hormone. When not diabetes mellitus develops after traumatic or surgical damage, perhaps spontaneous recovery of secretion of ADG months and even years later. Degree of a polyuria of subjects is higher, than cortisol level is higher. In process of decrease in products of AKTG (within the progressing hypopituitarism) also expressiveness of a polyuria decreases (a syndrome Hanna). It is connected with antagonistic interaction of cortisol and ADG. At a syndrome of the isolated hypophysis secretion of all triple hormones of a hypophysis with development of a secondary hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, hypocorticoidism, insufficiency of a growth hormone stops. A phenomenon, pathognomonic for a syndrome of an insulating hypophysis, is the giperprolaktinemiya.

The reasons of the Syndrome of the isolated hypophysis:

Many diseases of a hypothalamus (a tumor, the disseminated specific and nonspecific infectious processes etc.) can lead to a hypophysis leg prelum with development of a syndrome of the isolated hypophysis. Injury of a leg of a hypophysis regardless of whether it is caused by surgical intervention, an injury or volume process, is followed by characteristic change of secretion of hypophyseal hormones. At 80% of patients not diabetes mellitus develops, and the most important factor of its development is height of injury of a leg: the closer to a hypothalamus damage level, the more likely will develop not diabetes mellitus.

Treatment of the Syndrome of the isolated hypophysis:

Treatment of patients with this syndrome includes removal of the found tumor, replacement therapy of not diabetes mellitus and panhypopituitarism.

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