Adiposagenital syndrome
The disease is characterized by a combination of obesity and a hypogenitalism. As the independent disease it can be considered only if the symptomatology develops at children's age.
Symptoms of the Adiposagenital syndrome:
The adiposagenital syndrome (AGD) begins to be shown from 10-2 years (in a prepubertata). Obesity is characterized by uniform (general) distribution of fat with preferential adjournment in a stomach, a basin, hips, the person, a breast (a false gynecomastia). The person is large, crescent-shaped, on without a plethora and rashes (as at Itsenko's disease - Cushing). Extremities are rather thin. Skin is gentle, dry.
At children hypogenitalism signs take place: the scrotum and a penis of a gipoplazirovana, testicles are reduced, described cryptorchism cases. Gradually eunuchoid proportions of a body, sexual pilosis at teenagers scanty form or is absent. The bone age lags behind ossification of an epiphysis, true because of a delay. The relaxation of ligaments and a bone skeleton (flat-footedness, genu valgum, cubitas valgus) is observed.
There is no Co of the side of internals of deviations. Not diabetes mellitus signs are sometimes observed. Intellectual development of the individual does not suffer, emotional instability because of awareness of own inferiority is inherent.
Adults have a characteristic obesity, a hypogonadism and a hypogenitalism,
eunuchoid lines of a skeleton, often sexual dysfunction and infertility. With age, in connection with dystrophic changes in heart and hypotonia of vessels of internals an asthma, a meteorism, dyskinesia of bilious ways can develop.
Reasons of the Adiposagenital syndrome:
The cause of illness is unknown.
Pathological changes in gipotalamo-pituitary system at obviously expressed clinical picture are not observed. The pathogeny is defined by insufficiency of gonadotropic function of a hypophysis.
Treatment of the Adiposagenital syndrome:
The subcaloric diet (1200-1500 kilocalories with fasting days), Adiposinum injections on 50 - 100 PIECES a day courses for 20 days, anorectics (Desopimonum or Phepranonum on 0,025 in 30 min. prior to food 2 times a day, a course of 20 days), diuretic drugs, blind sounding, hormonal drugs enters a complex of medical actions: a chorionic gonadotrophin of 1500 - 3000 PIECES intramusculary 2 times a week courses on a month, are long. At the expressed gipoandrogenization it is useful to appoint androgenic drugs in parallel.