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"Pork" flu


"Pork" flu is the respiratory disease caused by an influenza virus And, most often the H1N1 subtype.  The regular outbreaks of swine flu happen during the whole year, especially in the fall and in the winter, and exceptional cases of transfer of a disease from an animal are known to the person. However in previous years the number of cases of transfer of a virus of swine flu from the person to the person was very limited.

Symptoms of "Pork" flu:

Symptoms of swine flu are very similar to symptoms of usual seasonal flu of the person which everyone faced in cold season. The following symptoms belong to symptoms of swine flu:
- heat;
- cough;
- pharyngalgia;
- cold;
- headache;
- pain and ache in a body;
- fatigue;
- slackness;
- fever;
- the complicated breath.
At some diseased also nausea and diarrhea was noted.

Reasons of "Pork" flu:

Pigs can be carriers of different types of an influenza virus: pork, bird's and influenza virus of the person. Sometimes one animal can suffer at the same time from several types of a virus that allows genes of these various viruses to mix up in an organism of an animal and to create a new influenza virus. Long ago it is known that pigs can be a potential source of a new influenza virus dangerous to the person.

The current outbreak of swine flu in Mexico in April, 2009 is caused by a new virus which is a combination of genes of viruses of human, bird and swine flu. Because this virus new is also result of mixing of genes of various viruses, it is very difficult to create an effective vaccine against it.


Virus of "pork" flu

Treatment of "Pork" flu:

WHO issued the application guide of antiviral drugs at treatment of the patients infected with a virus of pandemic flu H1N1. The management is developed as a result of the consensus reached by the international group of experts, the studied all available results of researches of safety and efficiency of antiviral drugs.

Special significance is attached to use of an oseltamivir and zanamivir for the purpose of prevention of development of a serious illness and approach of death, reduction of need for hospitalization and reduction of duration of stay in hospitals.

As the press service of WHO reports, now the pandemic virus is sensitive to both of these drugs (known as neuraminidase inhibitors), but is steady against the second class of antiviral drugs (Sq.m inhibitors).

Around the world at most of the patients infected with a pandemic virus typical symptoms of flu are observed and the absolute recovery comes in one week even in the absence of any drug treatment. Healthy patients with the disease proceeding without complications do not need treatment by antiviral drugs, it is told in the message of WHO.

Applying individual approach to the patient, decisions on purpose of treatment need to be made on the basis of clinical assessment and knowledge of presence of a virus at specific communities.

In areas of broad circulation of a virus in communities doctors, accepting patients with a grippopodobny disease, have to assume that the pandemic virus is an etiology. At making decisions on treatment it is not necessary to wait for laboratory confirmation of an infection of H1N1.

These recommendations it is supported with messages from all places where there were outbreaks of a disease, that the H1N1 virus quickly becomes the prevailing strain.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of "Pork" flu:

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