Follikulin-Zdorovye, solution масл. for infection 0,1% on 1 ml No. 10

Producer: LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: G03C A07
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solutio oleosa for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
International and chemical names: estrone; estra-1,3,5-(10) - triene - 17 - it;
main physical and chemical properties: transparent oily liquid of light yellow color; structure: 1 ml contains estrone in terms of 100% substance – 1 mg; excipients: oil peach.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The oestrogenic means stimulating development of a uterus and secondary sexual characteristics at their underdevelopment.
Estrone – natural follicular hormone, regulates normal development of female reproductive system, is produced in ovaries with approach of puberty before a climacteric.
Action is mediated through estrogenchuvstvitelny receptors of generative organs, mammary glands, a hypothalamus and a hypophysis. Renders specific oestrogenic effect – stimulates proliferation of an endometria (in uterine tubes, a neck of uterus, a vagina, external genitals, the removing channels of mammary glands), development of a uterus and secondary female sexual characters at their underdevelopment, eliminates or reduces expressiveness of the disturbances arising in the woman's organism in connection with insufficient function of gonads in a climacteric or after gynecologic operations.
Together with progesterone participates in regulation of a menstrual cycle and function of a child-bearing.
In small doses activates secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone, in big – slows down it, and also detains water and ions of sodium in an organism, the erythrogenesis oppresses.
Has gipokholesterinemichesky effect, improves glucose utilization, increases sensitivity of peripheral fabrics to insulin.
Pharmacokinetics. It is well absorbed. High level in plasma remains within 4–5 days. It is metabolized preferential in a liver (partially in lungs, fatty tissue), excreted with bile, in intestines it reabsorbirutsya and again comes to a liver through portal system. It is removed in the form of conjugates generally by kidneys. Speed of removal depends on a physiological state (pregnancy, phases of an ovarian and menstrual cycle), age and other factors.
Indications to use:
The states caused by insufficient function of ovaries: primary and secondary amenorrhea, a hypoplasia of generative organs and underdevelopment of secondary sexual characteristics, climacteric and postkastratsionny frustration, the infertility caused by decrease in oestrogenic function of ovaries, weakness of patrimonial activity, postmature pregnancy.
Route of administration and doses:
Appoint intramusculary. The dose is established individually.
Primary amenorrhea with an underdevelopment of generative organs and secondary sexual characteristics. Appoint 1–2 ml daily or every other day within 1–2 months and more (before noticeable increase in a uterus). Then appoint progesterone (intramusculary, 5 mg daily within 6–8 days). If necessary courses of hormonal therapy are repeated.
Secondary amenorrhea. Appoint 1 ml daily within 15–16 days with the subsequent purpose of progesterone within 6–8 days. In the absence of lasting effect the course of treatment is repeated.
Hypo - and an oligomenorrhea, альгодисменорея, the infertility caused by a hypo-ovaria or an underdevelopment of a uterus. Appoint after the termination of periods 0,5–1 ml daily within 15–16 days, then, in the presence of indications, appoint progesterone within 6–8 days. The course of treatment can be repeated in the same terms after the termination of periods.
The functional disturbances caused by approach of a climacteric and an ovariektomiya (a depression, angioneurotic frustration, etc.). Appoint 0,5–1 ml daily or in 1–2 days courses till 10-15 of injections. The course of treatment is repeated when resuming symptoms. Doses at the same time have to be selected strictly individually (selection of minimal effective doses is necessary) depending on a phase of a climacteric, expressiveness of symptomatology.
Weakness of patrimonial activity and postmature pregnancy. Appoint on 4–5 ml in 2–3 hours prior to use of rodostimuliruyushchy means.
Features of use:
Treatment by drug has to be carried out under observation of the doctor.
With care appoint drug at an arterial hypertension, the postponed thromboembolic diseases, epilepsy, a depression (including in the anamnesis), diseases of a gall bladder, an otosclerosis.
Before administration of drug it is necessary to undergo careful all-medical and gynecologic examination, including a research of mammary glands. Similar researches it is necessary to spend each 6 months of treatment.
At acute disorders of sight and hearing, acute thrombosis, at emergence of symptoms of phlebitis, stagnation of bile or hepatitis use of drug needs to be stopped.
Pregnancy and lactation. At pregnancy and in an early puerperal period use of drug is stopped. During treatment feeding by a breast should be cancelled.
Use in pediatrics. At children's and teenage age (before the end of growth of bones) drug should be used with care because of a possibility of development of disturbances of bone system.
In case of loss of crystals, ampoule contents before an injection should be heated on the boiling water bath within from 15 to 20 min. If crystals disappear and solution will become transparent, and when cooling to (37±1) °C crystals will not drop out again, drug is good for use.
Side effects:
Nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, allergic reactions, the century, an erythropenia swelled. At prolonged use uterine bleedings, a sclerosis of ovaries, disturbance of exchange of sodium, calcium and water, congestive jaundice are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Strengthens action gipokholesterinemichesky, antiarrhytmic, antihypertensives, diuretics, anticoagulants, tricyclic antidepressants, glucocorticoids, hormones of a thyroid gland. Effect of estrone is strengthened by folic acid and drugs of a thyroid gland, weaken – the anti-oestrogenic medicines (clomifene, etc.) applied to treatment of infertility, phenobarbital, rifampicin and other inductors of monooxygenases. Concentration of drug in blood is reduced by ampicillin, levomycetinum, tetracycline, Neomycinum, streptocides; raises – ascorbic acid.
Hypersensitivity, new growths (malignant and high-quality) generative organs and mammary glands at women aged up to 60 years, a mastopathy, inflammatory diseases of female generative organs, vaginal and uterine bleedings of not clear etiology, predisposition to uterine bleedings, a hyper oestrogenic phase of a climacteric, a liver and/or renal failure, thrombophlebitis and recurrent thromboembolisms in the anamnesis, pregnancy.
Symptoms: strengthening of a headache, nausea. At prolonged use perhaps uterine bleeding. Treatment: symptomatic.
Storage conditions:
To store in the place protected from light at a temperature from 8 °C to 15 °C. At transportation not to allow freezing.
To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Period of validity – 5 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 10 ampoules on 1 ml in a pack.