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Hysterectomy, or hysterectomy (other - Greek — a uterus + — an ektomiya, removal), also amputation or a hysterectomy — gynecologic operation at which the woman's uterus is removed.
Operation purpose.
The hysterectomy is usually carried out at a malignant tumor of a uterus, neck of uterus or ovary. The hysterectomy can be also executed at other diseases (a hysteromyoma, endometriosis, etc.) if improvement or recovery cannot achieve by other medical methods.
The hysterectomy, together with masculinizing mammo-and a phalloplasty, is applied in the course of surgical correction of a floor.
Types of operation:
Depending on the volume of the deleted fabrics allocate the following types of a hysterectomy:
* a subtotal hysterectomy, or amputation of a uterus — removal of a uterus with preservation of a neck of uterus;
* a total hysterectomy, or a hysterectomy — removal of a uterus with a neck;
* a gisterosalpingoovariektomiya — removal of a uterus with appendages (uterine tubes and ovaries);
* a radical hysterectomy — removal of a uterus with a neck, appendages, the upper third of a vagina surrounding with pelvic cellulose and lymph nodes.
On operational access distinguish the following types of a hysterectomy:
* an open hysterectomy, that is executed by a laparotomy;
* laparoscopic hysterectomy;
* a robotic hysterectomy, i.e. executed laparoscopic by means of the operational robot;
* a vulval hysterectomy, that is carried out through a vagina;
* a vulval hysterectomy with a laparoscopic assistention.
Operation effects.
After a hysterectomy the woman forever loses an opportunity to become pregnant and take out the child. After removal of a uterus periods stop, but an opportunity to have sex remains. Removal of a uterus with appendages before a menopause can entail a number of complications: except emotional frustration (a depression, uneasiness), osteoporosis quite often develops and there is a loss of sexual desire. When vagina length is reduced by a surgical way, there can be painful feelings in the course of sexual intercourse. After a hysterectomy some women have a colpoptosis.

Technique of carrying out a laparoscopic hysterectomy