Producer: JSC Tatkhimfarmpreparaty Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R05CA
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Syrup.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 100 ml of syrup contain extract of a root of a glycyrrhiza of dense 4 g, syrup of sugar 86 g, alcohol of ethyl 90% 10 g.
Pharmacological properties:
Antiinflammatory activity of drug is connected with the content of glycyrrhizic acid and its derivatives inhibiting histamine, serotoninovy, bradikininovy and other inflammatory reactions reducing vascular permeability, possessing the expressed anti-proliferative action and anti-kinin effect.
Assume that glycyrrhizic acid and its derivatives increase activity of endogenous adrenal hormones, and also, being exposed in an organism to metabolic transformations, have kortikosteroidopodobny effect.
High antiinflammatory activity of glikotseptid of glycyrrhizic acid is combined with the stimulating influence on humoral factors of immunity and the antiulcerous action connected with strengthening of mechanisms of protection of a mucous membrane of a stomach.
Pentacyclic тритерпен (карбеноксолон) accelerates process of regeneration at stomach ulcer and a duodenum, it is shown at chronic inflammatory conditions of digestive tract, especially at a hyperoxemia of a gastric juice. Likviritozid (a flavonovy glycoside) has spasmolytic and anti-secretory effect.
Glycyrrhizin, glitsirretovy acid and glycyrrhizic acid, and also their derivatives inhibit process of peroxide oxidation of lipids in blood and in stomach tissue, amplifying at a peptic ulcer. These connections act as <trap> of free radicals and toxic products of oxidation.
Syrup of a root of a glycyrrhiza has fortifying properties and can be used for stimulation of resistance at persons with the weakened immunity.
The flavonoid (meletin) has also property to block secretion of a histamine mast cells. Believe that in the mechanism of antiallergic action of flavonoids on a mast cell also affinity to certain phospholipidic components of a cellular membrane is of great importance.
There are data on antimicrobic properties concerning a number of pathogenic microorganisms (staphylococcus, tubercular mycobacteria, colibacillus, Candida).
Indications to use:
The infectious and inflammatory respiratory diseases which are followed by cough and also as a part of a combination therapy of chronic gastritis with the increased secretory function, a peptic ulcer of a stomach and a duodenum. Allergic dermatitis, an allergic dermatosis at children, and also at the diseases which are followed by an immunodeficiency.
Route of administration and doses:
Inside. 1-2 teaspoons of syrup on a glass of water or tea.
Features of use:
The glycoside glycyrrhizin has sweet taste in this connection drug can be used as edulcorant means.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions. At long use increase in arterial pressure, a liquid delay up to emergence of hypostases are possible.
Hypersensitivity to drug.
Storage conditions:
In the cool dark place. Period of validity 2 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Syrup in bottles on 100 ml.