
Producer: LLC Pharmtekhnologiya Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C05BA53
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Gel for external use.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 300 ME or 500 ME heparin sodium, 2,5 mg of cordianine, 2,5 mg of a dekspantenol in 1 g of gel.
Excipients: alcohol of 96%, propylene glycol, carbomer, a dimethyl sulfoxide, diethanol amide, the water purified.
The combined medicine with the antitrombotichesky, antiinflammatory and improving an angenesis action for external use.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Heparin sodium - the anticoagulant of direct action relating to group of middlemolecular heparins. At external use renders local antitrombotichesky, antiexudative, moderate antiinflammatory action. Blocks formation of thrombin, activity of hyaluronidase oppresses, activates fibrinolitic properties of blood. The heparin which is gradually released from gel and passing through skin reduces inflammatory process and has antitrombotichesky effect, improves microcirculation and activates fabric exchange, thanks to it accelerates processes of a rassasyvaniye of hematomas and blood clots and reduction of puffiness of fabrics.
Cordianine has antiinflammatory effect, stimulates processes of a metabolism in fabrics and promotes proliferation of cells.
Dekspantenol improves heparin absorption, stimulates granulation and epithelization of fabrics.
Pharmacokinetics. Heparin, getting through epidermis, collects in upper layers of skin. Actively contacts skin proteins. From fabrics about 1 h is allocated slowly with the allocation period.
Concentration from 10ED/ml in epidermis and 0,6ED/ml in skin has pharmacological effect.
Heparin badly gets through the unimpaired skin and mucous membranes thereof drug practically does not possess systemic resorptive action.
The insignificant amount of heparin is absorbed from the surface of skin in a system blood stream. The maximum concentration of drug in blood is noted in 8 hours after application. Heparin removal, generally happens through kidneys, an elimination half-life of 12 hours.
Indications to use:
- prevention and treatment of thrombophlebitis of superficial veins;
- fibrinferments;
- varicosity;
- ulcers of the lower extremities at local disturbance of blood circulation;
- injuries and bruises (including muscular tissue, sinews, joints).
Route of administration and doses:
Outwardly: the column of gel about 5 cm long is applied on the unimpaired skin with a thin layer, rubbing the easy massing movements from below up, 1-3 times a day.
In case of use of gel at thromboses and thrombophlebitises massaging is not recommended.
Gel is applied daily before disappearance of the inflammatory phenomena (on average from 3 to 14 days, the possibility of carrying out longer course of treatment is defined by the doctor).
In case of a shin ulcer carefully grease the inflamed skin around an ulcer.
Features of use:
Gel should not be applied on open wounds, on mucous membranes. It is not necessary to apply in the presence of purulent processes.
Because of limited experience of use for children and because of the insufficient number of these researches, it is not necessary to apply this medicine at treatment of children.
There are no data on negative influence of medicine on ability to manage vehicles and other mechanisms.
Use at pregnancy and feeding by a breast. During pregnancy and when breastfeeding drug should be used in cases when the expected advantage for the woman exceeds possible risk for a fruit and the baby.
Side effects:
Local hypersensitivity reactions (are possible especially at prolonged use of gel) in the form of a dermahemia, skin rash, an erythema and allergic reactions: a small tortoiseshell, it is very rare - angioneurotic shock.
Interaction with other medicines:
Anticoagulative effect of heparin amplifies at simultaneous use of anticoagulants, antiagregant and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ergot alkaloids, thyroxine, tetracycline, antihistamines and nicotine reduce effect of heparin.
- Hypersensitivity to gel components;
- for the second time the infected struck surfaces of skin;
- open wounds (including the bleeding shin ulcer);
- the increased tendency to bleedings and thrombocytopenia.
Due to the small system absorption the overdose is improbable. So far overdose cases at external use of heparin are not described.
At prolonged use on big surfaces hemorrhagic complications are possible.
Treatment: drug withdrawal. If necessary apply the antagonist of heparin — protamin sulfate (1% solution).
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature not above + 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 30,0 g and 50,0 g in the tubas placed together with a leaf insert in packs from a cardboard