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Linimentum is balsam

Препарат Линимент бальзамический. ЗАО "Ярославская фармацевтическая фабрика" Россия

Producer: CJSC Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory Russia

Code of automatic telephone exchange: D08AX

Release form: Soft dosage forms. Linimentum.

Indications to use: Abscess. Furuncle. Lymphadenitis. Lymphangitis. Burns. Freezing injury. Purulent wounds. Trophic ulcers. Decubituses.

General characteristics. Structure:

Tar of birch 3 g, bismuth tribromfenolit (xeroform) of 3 g, silicon dioxide colloid (aerosil) of 5 g, castor oil of 89 g.

Pharmacological properties:

The combined drug for external use. Has antiseptic and local irritative action, accelerates regeneration processes.

Indications to use:

Skin abscess, furuncle, lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, burns, freezing injuries, wounds, ulcers, decubituses.

Route of administration and doses:

Apply on affected areas of skin in the form of compresses, bandages.

Features of use:

There are no data.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions. At prolonged use the irritation of skin is possible.

Interaction with other medicines:

Data are absent.


Individual intolerance of drug.


Data on overdose are not provided.

Storage conditions:

In the cool, protected from light place unavailable to children.

Issue conditions:

Without recipe


On 25 g in banks from glass melt. Each can together with the application instruction is placed in a cardboard pack.

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Препарат Дёготь берёзовый. ЗАО "Ярославская фармацевтическая фабрика" Россия

Tar birch

Antiseptic and disinfectants.

Препарат Линимент бальзамический (по Вишневскому). ЗАО "Ярославская фармацевтическая фабрика" Россия

Linimentum balsam (according to Vishnevsky)

Antiseptic and disinfectants.

Препарат Линимент бальзамический (по Вишневскому). ЗАО "Ярославская фармацевтическая фабрика" Россия

Linimentum balsam (according to Vishnevsky)

Antiseptic and disinfectants.

Препарат Линимент бальзамический (по Вишневскому). ЗАО "Ярославская фармацевтическая фабрика" Россия

Linimentum balsam (according to Vishnevsky)

Antiseptic and disinfectants.

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