Ginkor gel

Producer: Ipsen Pharma France
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C05C
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Gel.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agents: the dry standardized extract of a ginkgo of a bilob of 140 mg, including a ginkgo of flavonolglikozid of 24% of ginkgolidov-bilobalid of 6% троксерутин 3 g
Excipients: methylparahydroxybenzoate of 120 mg, пропилпарагидроксибензоат 30 mg, dinatrium эдетат 20 mg, carbomer (carboxypolymethylene) of 1.2 g, isopropanol of 8 g, the water purified (to 100 g).
Pharmacological properties:
The drug used at disturbances of venous blood circulation. Increases the resilience of capillaries, reduces their hyperpermeability, optimizes a tone of vessels, regulates the capacity of capillaries. Promotes increase in consumption of glucose, removal of lactates and other products of metabolism and recovery of aerobic glycolysis in fabrics.
Has antiedematous effect, reduces transudation of proteins of plasma and infiltration of leukocytes at the expense of inhibition of a phospholipase of A2, a lipoxygenase and blocking of a factor of activation of thrombocytes.
Has antioxidant properties, blocks free radicals and has protective action on lizosomalny membranes.
Increases resistance of endothelial cells of venous vessels to a hypoxia, inhibits splitting of collagenic microfibres and normalizes functions of smooth muscles of vessels.
Improves rheological properties of blood due to increase in resistance of membranes of erythrocytes and decrease in their aggregation. At hyper aggregation of thrombocytes use of drug reduces probability of formation of blood clots.
Indications to use:
— functional manifestations of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities with the phenomena of an inflammation and trophic disturbances of skin;
— bruises and local hematomas, burning sensation and spasms in the lower extremities;
— painful inflammatory reactions to administration of injection drugs for treatment of a varicosity;
— superficial phlebitis.
Route of administration and doses:
The amount of the used drug depends on the size of the processed site of skin. For example, the amount of the gel which is approximately corresponding on volume to hazelnut is enough for processing of the area of a back surface of a shin. Drug is applied by 2-4 times a day, at the same time at the same time do light massage.
Features of use:
Ginkor gel should not be applied on mucous membranes, and also on sites of skin with eczema or open ulcerations.
It is necessary to avoid impact of sunshine on the leather processed by drug sites.
Side effects:
Perhaps: local reactions.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not established clinically significant interaction of drug Ginkor gel with other medicines.
Now contraindications are not established.
Use of drug GINKOR GEL at pregnancy and feeding by a breast
Data on safety and efficiency of use of drug at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation (breastfeeding) are not provided.
In pilot studies it is established that drug has no teratogenic effect.
So far about drug overdose cases Ginkor gel it was not reported.
Storage conditions:
Drug should be stored at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Gel for наружн. comment of 1.4 mg +30 mg / 1: tuba of 40 g.