Spasms in legs
Spasms of legs are cricks of muscles of the lower extremity (most often a sural muscle) which are observed as an idiopathic symptom or a symptom of a basic disease.
The reasons of spasms in legs:
In most cases the reason is not known. One of theories says that spasms arise when the muscle which is already reduced is stimulated to further reduction. Then there is a muscular spasm. It usually occurs at night in a bed as the natural position is followed by a bend in knees. In this situation gastrocnemius muscles it is relatively shortened and there can be spasms. This theory explains why exercises on an extension can cure a problem.
In certain cases spasms can be a symptom of other problem. For example:
1. Some drugs can cause spasms as side effect, or to promote their increase. They include: diuretics, nifedipine, Cimetidinum, salbutamol, statines, terbutalina, lithium, Clofibratum, Penicillaminum, fenotiazina, and niacin.
2. Overstrain of muscles.
3. Dehydration.
4. Conditions which cause changes of electrolytic balance of blood (high or low level of sodium or potassium).
5. Some people who are on renal dialysis.
5. Pregnancy - as a rule, at late stages.
6. Pathology of a thyroid gland.
7. Diseases of peripheral vessels.
8. Alcohol intake.
9. Rare reasons: cirrhosis, poisoning with lead, sarcoidosis.
Taking into account the spasm conditions stated above most often are one of manifestations of a basic disease. Therefore if the basic disease is not revealed, then spasms of legs can have the idiopathic nature.
Symptoms of spasms in legs:
Spasms in legs are shown by pain which proceeds from muscles. It is connected with a muscular spasm. Spasms in legs are usually observed in gastrocnemius muscles, below and behind a knee. Small muscles of the lower extremities are sometimes involved.
The painful spasm usually lasts several minutes. In certain cases duration is reduced to several seconds, and sometimes - up to 10 minutes. Weight of pain changes. The muscle can remain strained till 24 o'clock after a convulsive attack. Spasms in legs usually occur when the person has a rest - most often at night, in a bed.
Many people test spasms in the lower extremities from time to time. However, at some people they meet more often, for example, at elderly persons. About 30% of persons are aged more senior than 60 years, and about 50% are aged more senior than 80 years, have regular spasms of legs.
Treatment of spasms in legs:
Massage of affected muscles, as a rule, facilitates an attack of spasms. In most cases spasms quickly pass. Anesthetics are usually not effective as they not quickly enough work. Nevertheless, soothing, such as paracetamol can help to facilitate discomfort and morbidity of muscles which sometimes remain within 24 hours after a spasm.
If spasms occur infrequently, then special treatment is not required. However at frequent convulsive attacks in legs it is necessary to know methods of their prevention.
As a rule, exercises are recommended for an extension. Carry out exercises on an extension of the affected muscles within about five minutes, three times a day. Last time it is necessary to carry out exercises shortly before a dream. To stretch gastrocnemius muscles, it is necessary to become at distance about 60-90 cm from a wall. Then, without tearing off a foot from a floor, bend forward and you opritsya on a wall. Repeat this exercise several times. There can pass more than a week when you notice improvement. Spasms can not pass completely, but their frequency and/or weight most likely will decrease.
It is necessary to know positions which interfere with systremmas when you sleep. Use a pillow to support legs in a bed during sleep on spin. Enclose a blanket or the soft roller at the bottom of a bed that legs during sleep were in the sublime family way.
As the last resort of treatment and prevention of spasms can be used quinine. An optimum dose 1 tablet of drug before going to bed is considered. Most of people can accept quinine, but it is contraindicated at pregnancy or planning of pregnancy. There are also contraindications to its use: reactions of hypersensitivity at the previous use, hemolitic anemia, an optic neuritis, deficit of a glyukozo-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase. Serious side effects at quinine reception are sometimes observed, especially from blood. Besides, at a small amount of people who dolgosrochno accept quinine the symptom complex including nausea, vomiting, dizziness, a vision disorder and hearing develops).
Other drugs can be offered as possible methods of treatment of spasms of legs. Treat them: magnesium, diltiazem, group B vitamins, vitamin E, naftidrofuryl, орфенадрин, and verapamil. However, now these drugs it is not recommended as the majority of the researches connected with their reception found small efficiency for treatment of spasms of legs.