Prevention of prostatitis
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The first rule — reconsider the food allowance! Unfortunately, most likely, it is necessary to introduce amendments in the menu. You should not lean on hot, fat and salty dishes: at system consumption they provoke an inflammation in a prostate that inevitably conducts to an exacerbation of prostatitis. Fall in love with fresh vegetables and fruit, fast meat, low-fat fish, such useful habits not only will create a reliable barrier before prostatitis, but also normalize work of digestive tract.
The rule second — have regular sex! It is one of the main instructions of prevention of prostatitis, both the surplus of sexual life, and its shortcoming are dangerous to a prostate. It is very good if you have a constant partner, in an opposite case doctors-urologists recommend to use condoms surely. Penetration into an organism of a venereal infection threatens an exacerbation of chronic prostatitis.
The rule third - limit doses of alcohol and tobacco! It is especially important if you have a chronic prostatitis. Similar addictions very negatively influence function of a prostate, and the unlimited love to them — is extremely pernicious for male health.
The rule fourth - lead a healthy lifestyle! Continuous sitting causes stagnation in a prostate, and chronic prostatitis will remind of itself painful symptoms again soon. Are surprised? "Sedentary" a way of life negatively influences not only male health, but also all organism in general. That it did not occur, use any opportunity to move, walk more often. Doctors-urologists advise at prostatitis to be engaged easy athletics, tennis and badminton, swimming.
The rule fifth — avoid overcooling! It is necessary to remember that one of conditions of emergence or an exacerbation of prostatitis is an overcooling. You need to put on according to weather, it is obligatory to keep legs in the warm. Even insignificant, but the repeating overcooling is system can become a sharp push to a prostate aggravation, and chronic prostatitis will remind of itself again.
The rule sixth — fall in love with remedial gymnastics! On consultation the doctor-urologist will recommend you individual system of exercises which is used both for treatment of chronic prostatitis, and for prevention of prostatitis. There will be enough only 10 minutes daily to support the male health at the level.
The rule seventh — cure all carious teeth! Caries is an open door for penetration into an organism of an infection which in an effect can provoke development of prostatitis.
The rule eighth — timely see a doctor! If you renewed prostatitis symptoms: an urodynia and sexual intercourse, discomfort in a groin, do not tighten on a visit in urological clinic — consultation of the urologist will clear a situation and will help to prevent serious disease. Remember, preventive inspection it is necessary to pass a minimum even in the absence of complaints once a year!
And, perhaps, the most important. All these recommendations have to be implemented in a complex, only correction of food or active sports will not solve a problem.
You remember, chronic prostatitis – a good motive to take the health seriously. Follow rules of prevention, in time carry out treatment of prostatitis, and the disease will not constitute for you danger!

Increase in a prostate in the drawing on the right