Urdoksa капс. 250 mg No. 50

Producer: CJSC Pharmproyekt Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A05AA02
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: ursodezoksikholevy acid.
Pharmacological properties:
Gepatoprotektor. Ursodezoksikholevy acid - bile acid. Reduces the content of cholesterol in bile preferential by dispersion of cholesterol and formation of a liquid crystal phase. Exerts impact on enterogepatichesky circulation of bilious salts, reducing a reabsorption in intestines of endogenous more hydrophobic and potentially toxic connections. In the researches in vitro it is shown that ursodezoksikholevy acid has direct hepatoprotective effect and reduces a hepatotoxic of hydrophobic salts of bile. Exerts impact on immunological reactions, reducing a pathological expression of HLA antigens of a class I on hepatocytes and suppressing products of cytokines and interleykin. Ursodezoksikholevy acid reduces a litogenny index of bile, increasing contents in it bile acids. Promotes partial or full dissolution of cholesteric gallstones at oral administration. Has holeretichesky effect.
Indications to use:
Cholesteric gallstones in a gall bladder and the general bilious channel at patients when treatment by a surgical or endoscopic method cannot be carried out. Cholesteric stones of a gall bladder and the general bilious channel with a diameter no more than 1.5-2 cm after an extracorporal lithotripsy or a mechanical lithotripsy. Primary biliary cirrhosis (before formation of advanced fibrosis and tsirrozny transformation of a liver). Chronic active hepatitis with a cholestatic syndrome. Acute hepatitis, liver mucoviscidosis, inborn atresia of a bilious channel. Biliary reflux esophagitis and gastritis. A biliary dispeptic syndrome at a cholecystopathy and dyskinesia of biliary tract. Prevention and treatment of the cholestatic syndrome caused by reception of hormonal contraceptives. For normalization of function of a liver at the patients receiving therapy by cytostatics and also at patients with alcoholic damage of a liver. Transplantation of a liver and other bodies (auxiliary treatment).
Route of administration and doses:
Establish individually. Usually apply in a dose up to 10 mg/kg / the Daily dose accept once in the evening. Duration of treatment depends on indications.
Features of use:
Successful carrying out a litolizis by means of ursodezoksikholevy acid requires observance of the following conditions: stones have to be purely cholesteric, i.e. not give a shadow on the roentgenogram; the size of stones should not exceed 15-20 mm; the gall bladder has to keep the function completely; the gall bladder has to be filled with stones no more than on a half; passability of a vesical channel has to be kept; the general bilious channel has to be free from stones. At use of ursodezoksikholevy acid for the purpose of dissolution of gallstones in the first 3 months of treatment it is necessary to define each 4 weeks activity of transaminases of a liver. Further these researches can be conducted at an interval of 3 months. For control of efficiency of treatment it is recommended to spend each 6 months radiological and ultrasound examination of biliary tract. For prevention of a recurrence of a cholelithiasis it is necessary to continue treatment some more months after dissolution of gallstones.
Side effects:
Perhaps: tranzitorny increase in activity of hepatic transaminases, skin itch, allergic reactions. Seldom: diarrhea, calcination of gallstones.
Interaction with other medicines:
At simultaneous use with cyclosporine it is unpredictable absorption increases and concentration of cyclosporine in a blood plasma increases. The case of reduction of concentration of ciprofloxacin in a blood plasma at the patient receiving ursodezoksikholevy acid is described.
Acute inflammatory diseases of a gall bladder and biliary tract, cirrhosis in stages of a vascular and parenchymatous decompensation and/or the expressed activity, NYaK, a disease Krone, heavy renal failures, hypersensitivity to ursodezoksikholevy acid.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
In packagings on 50 capsules.