
Producer: Herbion pakistan, Private limited (Herbion Pakistan, Prayvet Ltd) Pakistan
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A05BA
Pharm group: a href="javascript:if(confirm(%27medicalmeds.eu/preparats_title.php?name=-1&mnn=-1&atc=68 \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27medicalmeds.eu/preparats_title.php?name=-1&mnn=-1&atc=68%27" tppabs="medicalmeds.eu/preparats_title.php?name=-1&mnn=-1&atc=68">Drugs for treatment of diseases of a liver and biliary tract
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Capsules Bondzhigar firm gelatinous, the size No. 0, brown color, with a text white BONJIGAR ink on the case and a cap; contents of capsules - powder from light brown till dark brown color, with a characteristic smell.
Active ingredients: contains in 1 capsule:
- dry extract of leaves of an eklipta white (Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk) 70.4 mg
- dry extract of rhizomes and roots of a pikroriza of a kurro (Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth.) 28 mg
- dry extract of fruits of a nightshade black (Solanum nigrum L.) 14.4 mg
- dry extract of seeds of chicory ordinary (Cichronium intybus L.) 48 mg
- dry extract of roots of a glycyrrhiza naked (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) 56 mg
- dry extract of fruits of a tamarisk gonochoristic (Tamarix dioica Roxb.) 28 mg
- dry extract of fruits of a radish of a sowing campaign (Raphanus sativus L.) 14.4 mg
- dry extract of fruits of a barberry awned (Berberis aristata DC.) 42.4 mg
- dry extract of seeds and leaves of a thistle spotty (Silybum marianum L.) 56 mg
- dry extract of flowers and fruits of a sferantus Indian (Sphaeranthus indicus L.) 14.4 mg
- dry extract of leaves of a berkhaviya sprawling (Boerhaavia diffusa L.) 28 mg
Excipients: talc.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The combined phytodrug with hepatoprotective action. Contributes to normalization of the broken cellular structure of a liver, reduces the increased level of content of serumal enzymes (ALT, nuclear heating plant, ShchF, GGT), products of peroxide oxidation of lipids, the general and direct bilirubin.
Pharmacokinetics. According to the International convention (EMEAHMPWG11/99) when carrying out clinical tests of drugs of a plant origin the isolated research of pharmacokinetic parameters is not required.
Indications to use:
— alcoholic steatogepatit moderate degree, slowly progressing (monotherapy and as a part of complex therapy in a combination to spasmolysants and Metoclopramidum (cerucal)).
Route of administration and doses:
To accept drug inside on 1 capsule or on 10 ml (2 teaspoons) of 3 times/days after food. A course of treatment - 6 weeks.
Increase in duration and carrying out repeated courses of treatment perhaps on doctor's orders.
Capsules should be swallowed without chewing, washing down with a small amount of water.
Features of use:
Use at pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Drug is contraindicated to use at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation (breastfeeding).
Use for children. Contraindication: children's and teenage age up to 18 years.
Special instructions. At a viral hepatitis efficiency of use of drug is not studied.
Syrup contains sucrose that patients need to consider at appointment with a diabetes mellitus and to the patients who are on a hypocaloric diet. 1 single dose (10 ml) contains 8 g of sucrose that corresponds to 0.67 XE.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Use of drug in a combination to spasmolysants and Metoclopramidum (cerucal) is possible.
— pregnancy;
— period of a lactation (breastfeeding);
— children's and teenage age up to 18 years;
— hypersensitivity to drug components.
Patients should appoint syrup with care with a diabetes mellitus.
Now about cases of overdose of the drug Bondzhigar® it was not reported.
Storage conditions:
Drug should be stored in the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C. A period of validity of capsules - 2 years, syrup - 3 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 20 pieces of capsules - bottles plastic (1) - packs cardboard.