
Producer: CJSC Partner Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A05BA
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: thistles extract dry – 100 mg,
excipients: silicon dioxide of colloid 0,1–1 mg, magnesium stearate of 0,4-4 mg, starch corn to 105 mg,
structure of a cover of the capsule: titanium dioxide (white color) of 2%, iron oxide (yellow color) of 0,05-1,8%, gelatin to 96 mg and one capsule No. 3.
One capsule No. 3 contains
active components: bifidobacteria бифидум, occluded on silicon dioxide colloid – not less than 50 million, WHICH, lactobacilli ферментум, occluded on silicon dioxide colloid – not less than 50 million, WHICH,
excipients: silicon dioxide of colloid 0,6 mg, magnesium stearate of 1-10 mg, lactulose to 0,20 g,
structure of a cover of the capsule: titanium dioxide (white color) of 2%, iron oxide (yellow color) of 0,05-1,8%, gelatin to 48 mg.
The capsule No. 0 – firm gelatinous, a cylindrical form with the hemispherical ends. Capsule case white opaque, lid yellow opaque. Contains the capsule No. 3 and amorphous powder from grayish-yellow till light brown color.
The capsule No. 3 – firm gelatinous, a cylindrical form with the hemispherical ends. Capsule case white opaque, lid yellow opaque. Contains powder from whitish-gray till light-beige color with a slight sour-milk smell.
Pharmacological properties:
Гепафор® – the combined multicomponent drug of the directed gepatoprotektivny action. Active components as a part of drug possess the vzaimopotentsiiruyushchy action directed at the same time to several pathophysiological processes in a liver: prevention of damage of membranes of cells of a liver, suppression of free radical reactions and processes of peroxide oxidation of lipids, oppression of pathological immune activation and inflammation. A liver and microflora of digestive tract – two main detoksikatsionny bodies which are carrying out protection of a macroorganism against toxic connections due to oxidizing reactions (liver) and hydrolytic recovery anaerobic processes (intestinal microflora).
Being a part of drug bifido-and lactobacilli participate in metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, providing formation of amino acids, vitamins, organic and korotkotsepochechny fatty acids which improve a trophicity of fabrics and function of a liver, transform ekzo-and endotoxins, turning them into nontoxic connections which are brought out of an organism. The expressed enzymatic activity of pro-biotic bacteria leads to decrease in toxic load of a liver. Disturbance of structure of intestinal microflora promotes delay of evacuation of bile and formation of gallstones. Conglomerates of the bacteria occluded on silicon dioxide colloid create optimal conditions for bystry recovery normoflor of intestines and its protective functions. Thistles extract dry makes the stabilizing impact on a membrane of a hepatic cell, slows down processes of a cytolysis and penetration of toxins into liver cells, stimulates protein synthesis and enzymes in hepatocytes, prevents development of a cholestasia. Excipient lactulose – a bifidogenny factor is not split by enzymes of a small bowel and not soaked up, hydrolyzed under the influence of bacteria in a large intestine.
Indications to use:
Drug is appointed the adult for treatment:
- toxic damages of a liver (including medicinal);
- the tuberculosis of various etiology complicated by medicinal hepatitis and disturbance intestines normoflor;
- chronic hepatitis, including with dysfunction of biliary tract;
cirrhosis (as a part of complex therapy);
- states after the postponed hepatitis;
- acute viral hepatitis.
Drug with the preventive purpose is used at chronic intoxications (including professional), long drug intake and alcohol.
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is accepted during meal, washing down with boiled water of room temperature.
For treatment of toxic damages of a liver, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, states after the postponed hepatitis, the tuberculosis complicated by medicinal hepatitis and disturbance intestines normoflor accept on 2 capsules 3 times a day, a course 14 – 30 days.
For treatment of an acute viral hepatitis accept on 1 capsule 3 times a day, a course of 15 days.
Preventively drug is used on 1-2 capsules by 3 times a day, a course 14 – 30 days. If necessary the course is repeated in 1 – 3 month.
Features of use:
There are no data on use during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.
Side effects:
Are not established.
Interaction with other medicines:
At a concomitant use of drug with vitamins (especially groups B) effect of drug amplifies. At reception with antibiotics decrease in a therapeutic effectiveness of drug is possible.
Are not established, except individual intolerance of drug.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity – 1 year. Storage and transportation make at a temperature from 2 °C to 10 °C. Transportation of drug is allowed at a temperature not above 20 °C no more than 10 days. Гепафор® capsules should be stored in the places not available to children. Drug is not suitable for use:
- at disturbance of integrity of individual packaging,
- with indistinct marking,
- expired.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Drug is produced in capsules. 12, 18, 30 or 60 capsules are packed into banks from polymeric material. Bank is located together with the Application instruction in a pack from a cardboard.