
Producer: CJSC Pharmfirma Soteks Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A06AD12
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Powder.
General characteristics. Structure:
Laktitola monohydrate - 5 g or 10 g in a bag, 200 g or 500 g in plastic containers. Without excipients.
Opisaniye:bely crystal powder.
Pharmacological properties:
In a large intestine лактитол it is split under the influence of intestines flora on low-molecular organic acids that leads to increase in osmotic pressure in a large intestine, to increase in volume of fecal masses, their softening, simplification of defecation and normalization of work of intestines. The laxative effect usually occurs within 24 hours after drug use (delay is caused by passing of drug through digestive tract). At the beginning of a course of treatment the delay of laxative effect of drug is possible, the effect can occur for the second or third day of its use.
At patients with hepatic encephalopathy or a hepatic coma (or prekomy) the effect is reached due to migration of ammonia from blood in a large intestine (thanks to decrease in PH, increase in osmotic pressure in an intestines gleam), removals from a large intestine of the detained ions of ammonium and other nitrogen-containing toxic substances. Laktitol suppresses proteolytic bacteria and increases quantity of acidophilic bacteria.
Pharmacokinetics. Laktitol carries out the effect only in a large intestine where it completely gets after intake. It is absorbed in the minimum quantities in not changed look (no more than 0,5 - 2% of the accepted dose).
Indications to use:
- Lock
- need of regulation of a chair for the medical purposes (purgation by preparation for endoscopic and X-ray inspections, surgical interventions on a rectum, a proctal sphincter and the area adjacent to it)
- intestinal dysbiosis
- hepatic encephalopathy
- hepatic prekoma and coma
- giperammoniyemiya.
Route of administration and doses:
Inside during food, mixing with various drinks (water, tea, coffee, juice, etc.) or liquid food.
At a lock and dysbacteriosis. It is necessary to accept drug once, all daily dose at once, at one time:
Children of 1-6 years ─ 2,5 - 5 (½-1 teaspoon of powder) in days.
Children of 6-12 years ─ 5 - 10 g (1-2 teaspoons of powder) a day.
Children of 12-16 years ─ 10 - 20 g (2-4 teaspoons of powder) a day.
Adults: 20 g (4 teaspoons of powder) a day.
Drug has to cause a chair once a day; after approach of stable laxative effect within several days of use of drug, its dose can be lowered. In some cases for obtaining necessary effect is sufficient half of the recommended daily dose.
The minimum course of therapy after which it is necessary to see consultation a doctor – 5 months.
Use of drug for children is recommended to be carried out under observation of the doctor.
At regulation of a chair in the medical purposes. On 20 g of the drug divorced in 1 l of water accept three times (at 12, 15 and 18 hours) on the eve of holding medical procedures.
At hepatic encephalopathy, a hepatic prekoma and a coma, giperammoniyemii/the Dose of drug has to be chosen individually for each patient, depending on degree of manifestation of a disease and individual reaction to drug.
The initial daily dose usually makes 0,5-0,7 g on 1 kg of body weight. This dose is divided into three single doses. Accept during food. The dose causing two "soft" chairs a day has to be picked up.
Features of use:
Laktitol has the low caloric content (2 kcal/g), does not influence glucose level in blood and can be applied at patients with a diabetes mellitus.
Throughout all course of use of drug the increased liquid consumption is desirable.
Use of Exportala® does not exert impact on the psychomotor functions connected with driving of the car or control of cars and mechanisms.
Side effects:
In an initiation of treatment the sensation of discomfort in a stomach, a meteorism is possible. These phenomena, as a rule, disappear at drug use continuation, in process of adaptation to it.
In case of use of the raised doses for a long time at treatment of hepatic encephalopathy at the patient, owing to diarrhea, the electrolytic imbalance can develop.
Interaction with other medicines:
At a concomitant use of Exportala® with kishechnorastvorimy drugs of pH - dependent release it is necessary to consider what лактитол lowers intestines pH. It is not recommended to apply Exportal® within two hours after reception of other medicines.
- Individual intolerance of a laktitol
- galactosemia
- impassability of intestines
- suspicion on organic injuries of digestive tract
- abdominal pains and rectal bleedings of not clear genesis.
Sign of overdose is the diarrhea, vomiting is in rare instances possible. These phenomena usually are eliminated with a drug dose decline.
Storage conditions:
In dry, protected from light and the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Powder for preparation of solution for intake. On 5 g or 10 g in one-dose bags (sachet) made of paper with a polyethylene covering or of Buflen – the combined material on the basis of paper, aluminum and polyethylene, 2 bags are connected in 1 strip (are divided on a perforated strip). On 3, 5, 6 or 10 strips together with the application instruction place in a pack from a cardboard. On 200 g or 500 g in a plastic container. The application instruction is pasted to a container. Period of validity: 5 years. Not to apply on expiry date, specified on packaging.