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Препарат Кокарбоксилаза-Ферейн. ЗАО "Брынцалов-А" Россия

Producer: CJSC Bryntsalov-A Russia

Code of automatic telephone exchange: A11DA

Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Lyophilisate for preparation of solution for injections.

Indications to use: Liver failure. Renal failure. Diabetic (hyper glycemic) coma. Diabetic кетоацитоз. Chronic heart failure. Neuritis. Asphyxia of newborns. Pneumonia. Sepsis.

General characteristics. Structure:

Active ingredient: 0,025 g or 0,05 g of cocarboxylase.

Vspomogatetelny substances: sodium ugleksily.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. Cocarboxylase - a coenzyme of thiamin (B1 vitamin), in an organism is phosphorylated with education mono - di - and trifosforny ethers, is a part of the enzymes catalyzing a carboxylation and decarboxylation of alpha ketonic acids. Exogenous B1 vitamin (thiamin) for participation in these protsesyosa has to be metabolized by phosphorylation in cocarboxylase - a ready form of a coenzyme.

It is necessary to consider that properties of cocarboxylase are only partially adequate to that at thiamin; cocarboxylase is not used for prevention and treatment hypo - and B1 avitaminosis.

Indications to use:

Kokarboksilazu-Fereyn appoint in complex therapy of a liver and renal failure, a diabetic prekoma and coma, diabetic ketoacidosis, chronic heart failure and disturbances сердечно­го a rhythm, peripheral neuritis.

To children drug is appointed according to the same indications. At newborns пре­парат apply also in complex therapy of the states connected with a gipokyosiya and acidosis including asphyxia of newborns, a hypoxemic entseyofalopatiya, a circulatory unefficiency, pneumonia, sepsis, etc.

Route of administration and doses:

Kokarboksilazu-Fereyn enter intramusculary or intravenously (struyno or kapelno). Ampoule contents (0,025 or 0,05 g) are dissolved neyoposredstvenno before introduction to 2 ml of water for injections. At intravenous jet administration volume is brought to 10-20 ml, at drop introduction to 200 - 400 ml, adding isotonic solution of sodium of chloride or solution of glucose.

At heart diseases appoint on OD-0,2 of in days within 15 - 30 days. At a diabetes mellitus (ketoacidosis, a coma) the daily dose makes 0,1 g. At an acute renal and liver failure enter intravenously struyno 0,1-0,15 g 3 times a day or kapelno (for 5% glucose solution) on 0,1-0,15 g a day. At peripheral neuritis appoint intramusculary in a dose 0,05-0,1 g a day within 1-1,5 months.

To children enter intramusculary, intravenously (kapelno or struyno). Depending on weight of a state and clinical symptomatology appoint from 0,025 to 0,050 g a day. Course of treatment from 3-7 to 15-30 days. The newborn enter intravenously (slowly) 10 mg on 1 kg of body weight of one times a day.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions are possible (small tortoiseshells, an itch); at vnutrimyshechyony introduction - a hyperemia, swelled on site injections.

Interaction with other medicines:

Cocarboxylase strengthens effect of cardiac glycosides and improves their portability.


Hypersensitivity to drug.


It is not described.

Storage conditions:

In protected from light and the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above +20 °C. A period of validity - 3 years. Not to apply after the period of validity specified on packaging.

Issue conditions:

According to the recipe


Ampoules on 0,025 g or 0,050 g complete with solvent (water for injections) илц separately.

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Препарат КОРИЛИП-АЛЬТФАРМ. ЗАО "Брынцалов-А" Россия


Metabolic means.

Препарат Кокарбоксилаза. ЗАО "Брынцалов-А" Россия


Metabolic means.

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