
Producer: Dialek Unitary Enterprise Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A07FA
Pharm group: Antidiarrheal, intestinal antiinflammatory and antimicrobic drugs
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Lyophilisate for solution preparation.
General characteristics. Structure:
Deystvuyuy substance: not less than 107, WHICH lyophilized in the environment of cultivation of viable bacteria of a strain of Bifidobacterium bifidum 1 or 791.
Excipients (cultivation environment): autolysate of yeast, an enzymatic hydrolyzate of casein, lactose monohydrate, sodium chloride, L-cystine, an agar food, the water purified.
The live bifidobacteria having antagonistic activity of a broad spectrum of activity against pathogenic and uslovnopatogenny microorganisms.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The therapeutic effect of bifidumbacterium is defined by the live bifidobacteria which are contained in it having antagonistic activity of a broad spectrum of activity against pathogenic and uslovnopatogenny microorganisms. Bifidumbacterium has the normalizing effect on digestive tract, improves exchange processes, interferes with development of long intestinal dysfunctions, increases nonspecific resistance of an organism.
Vaginal use of medicine reduces risk of emergence and reduces weight of a course of pyoinflammatory processes in a vagina.
Indications to use:
Bifidumbacterium siccum is applied as supportive application to a symptomatic treatment of diarrhea and as addition to completion of loss of liquid and/or dietary measures at adults and children.
Children (including premature) can apply medicine from the first days of life.
Bifidumbacterium siccum is applied to recovery of microbiological balance in intestines:
- at acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of a large and small intestine at the children and adults proceeding against the background of disturbances of microflora with deficit of bifidobacteria;
- at intestinal dysfunctions after antibacterial and radiation therapy;
- in complex therapy of patients with acute intestinal infections of the bacterial and virus nature, convalescents with symptoms of intestinal dysfunction, for prevention of disorders of function of intestines at antibacterial therapy of children with pyoinflammatory diseases;
- for prevention of intestinal dysfunctions at premature children, and also at children in the period of a neonatality at early transfer into artificial feeding.
Bifidumbacterium siccum is applied:
- for normalization of a vulval microbiocenosis in complex therapy of bacterial colpitises, including at pregnant women.
Route of administration and doses:
Bifidumbacterium siccum at intestinal diseases is applied orally, and in obstetric and gynecologic practice intravaginalno.
From a bottle delete a metal cap and a rubber bung. Contents of a bottle are dissolved boiled water of room temperature at the rate of 1 teaspoon on 1 drug dose.
Way of dissolution: in a glass pour the required number of teaspoons of water (according to number of the doses specified on the label of a container), then from a glass transfer to a bottle a small amount of water for dissolution of dry weight. After dissolution contents of a bottle are transferred to the same glass and mixed.
One teaspoon of the medicine dissolved thus makes one dose. The necessary quantity of doses (according to teaspoons) is drunk in 20-30 minutes prior to food. Babies can give medicine just before feeding.
At intestinal diseases duration of a course of treatment of bifidumbacterium is defined by weight of clinical manifestations, age of the patient and makes 2-4 weeks, and in some cases up to 3 months. With the preventive purpose appoint 5 doses 1-2 times a day within 1-2 weeks.
It is reasonable to newborn of group of "risk" to begin use of medicine in delivery room from first days of life to an extract on 1-2 doses on reception 3 times a day.
At intestinal diseases to children of the first half of the year of life medicine is appointed on 3 doses to reception by 3 times a day. To children of the second half of the year is also more senior – on 5 doses 2 times a day.
At emergence at children of disturbances of functions of digestive tract and threat of an ulcer and necrotic coloenteritis appoint up to 10 doses a day.
At acute chronic inflammatory diseases of a small and large intestine, colitis and coloenterites at adults about 5 doses 2-3 times a day are recommended.
In complex therapy with antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs it is recommended: to children till 1 year on 5 doses 2-3 times a day, to children are more senior than 1 year on 5 doses 3-4 times a day, the adult on 10 doses 2-3 times a day.
For intravaginalny introduction bifidumbacterium is dissolved above in the specified way. Impregnate with the received suspension of medicine a sterile tampon which is entered intravaginalno and leave for 2-3 hours.
At inflammatory gynecologic diseases and prenatal training of pregnant women of group of "risk" bifidumbacterium is appointed till 5-10 doses within 5-8 days under control of recovery of purity of a vaginal secret to the I-II degree and disappearance of clinical symptoms of an inflammation once a day. If necessary the course of treatment bifidumbacterium can be repeated.
Features of use:
Not to dissolve medicine in hot water (higher than 40 ºС). Not to store in the dissolved look.
With care to apply to persons with a lactose intolerance and casein of cow's milk.
Features of use of medicine for persons with an abnormal liver function and kidneys are not revealed.
Use is authorized to women during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.
Features of use in gerontological practice are not revealed.
Does not influence ability to manage motor transport and to work with dangerous mechanisms.
Side effects:
Side effects are absent.
At the beginning of reception of Bifidumbacterium siccum perhaps temporary ease of a chair. At the same time cancellation of medicine is not required.
Interaction with other medicines:
Undesirable effects at interaction of bifidumbacterium with other medicines are absent.
At simultaneous use of bifidumbacterium with vitamins (especially groups B) effect of medicine amplifies.
At reception with antibiotics and chemotherapeutic medicines decrease in a therapeutic effectiveness of bifidumbacterium is possible.
Contraindications for use of medicine are absent.
Now about negative effects in overdose cases by medicine it was not reported.
Storage conditions:
In the place protected from light at a temperature from 2 °C to 8 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 1 year. Not to use after the period of validity specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 5 doses in a bottle, on 10 bottles in cardboard packaging.