
Producer: Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH (Biologishe Haylmittel Heel Gmbh) Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: G03XA10
Pharm group: a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">Sex hormones and modulators of a reproductive system
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Ddeystvuyushchy substances: 1,1 mg of Apis mellifica D10, 1,1 mg of Apis mellifica D30, 1,1 mg of Apis mellifica D200, 1,1 mg of Lachesis mutus D10, 1,1 mg of Lachesis mutus D30, 1,1 mg of Lachesis mutus D200, 1,1 mg of Lachesis mutus D1000, 1,1 mg of Lilium lancifolium D10, 1,1 mg of Lilium lancifolium D30, 1,1 mg of Lilium lancifolium D200, 1,1 mg of Lycopodium clavatum D10, 1,1 mg of Lycopodium clavatum D30, 1,1 mg of Lycopodium clavatum D200, 1,1 mg of Lycopodium clavatum D1000, 1,1 mg of Hydrargyrum bichloratum D10, 1,1 mg of Hydrargyrum bichloratum D30, 1,1 mg of Hydrargyrum bichloratum D200, 1,65 mg of Pulsatilla pratensis D10, 1,65 mg of Pulsatilla pratensis D30, 1,65 mg of Pulsatilla pratensis D200, 1,65 mg of Pulsatilla pratensis D1000, 1,65 mg of Vespa crabro D10, 1,65 mg of Vespa crabro D30, 1,65 mg of Vespa crabro D200, 2,2 mg of Cimicifuga racemosa D10, 2,2 mg of Cimicifuga racemosa D30, 2,2 mg of Cimicifuga racemosa D200.
Excipients: sodium chloride, water for injections.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Drug renders antiinflammatory, antiyeksudativnoye, disintoxication, immunomodulatory action which is based on activation of protective forces of an organism and normalization of its functions.
Pharmacokinetics. For homeopathic medicines is not defined.
Indications to use:
Adnexitis, parametritis, endometritis, vaginitis, dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain, climacteric neurosis.
Route of administration and doses:
Single dose: to adult women — 1 ampoule (1,1 ml); to girls of the 3rd up to 6 years — 1/2 volumes of an ampoule (0,55 ml), since 6 years — on 1 ampoule (1,1 ml). (Gomeosiniatriya), if necessary in/in, 1-3 times a week are entered boiled and smoked, п / to, in oil, including segmentarno or into acupuncture points. In acute cases — the age dose is entered daily, for 3-5 days, then — a usual dosage.
At impossibility of parenteral administration drug can be accepted orally (in a look): to dissolve a single dose in 50 ml of water and to drink for days.
Usually the course of treatment lasts 3-6 weeks.
Features of use:
Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast. Cases of a negative impact are unknown.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or other mechanisms. It is unknown.
Children. Drug is recommended for use, since the puberty period.
Side effects:
In rare instances there can be allergic reactions or hypersalivation owing to individual sensitivity to homeopathic Hydrargyrum bichloratum active ingredient (mercury), in that case it is necessary to stop use of drug and to see a doctor.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not known.
Hypersensitivity to drug components.
It was not noted.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity - 5 years. To store in original packaging at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
5 ampoules and 100 (5*20) ampoules on 1,1 ml in a cardboard box.