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Neurosis (new lat. neurosis, occurs from other - Greek  — a nerve; synonyms — a psychoneurosis, neurotic frustration) — in clinic: the collective name for group of the functional psychogenic reversible frustration tending to a long current. The clinical picture of such frustration is characterized by asthenic, persuasive and/or hysterical manifestations, and also temporary decrease in intellectual and physical effeciency. The concept "neurosis" was entered into medicine in 1776 by the Scottish doctor William Kullen. The term underwent numerous reconsiderations and still did not receive unambiguous definition.

Neurosis symptoms:

  Mental symptoms:
    * Emotional trouble (often without the visible reasons)
    * Indecision
    * Problems in communication
    * Inadequate self-assessment: understating or overestimate
    * Frequent experience of feelings of alarm, fear, "alarming expectation something", phobias, the panic attacks, panic frustration are possible
    * Uncertainty or inconsistency of system of values, vital desires and preferences, idea of, of others and of life. Often cynicism meets
    * Instability of mood, its frequent and sharp variability
    * Irritability (neurasthenia)
    * High sensitivity to stresses — people react to an insignificant stressful event despair or aggression
    * Tearfulness
    * Sensitivity, vulnerability
    * Uneasiness
    * Obsession with the psychoinjuring situation
    * In attempt to work quickly get tired — memory, attention, powers of thinking decreases
    * Sensitivity to loud sounds, bright light, temperature drops
    * Frustration of a dream: often it is difficult for person to fall asleep because of reexcitement; the dream is superficial, alarming, not giving relief; in the morning drowsiness is often observed.

Physical symptoms:
    * Head, cardiac pains, pains in a stomach
    * Often shown feeling of fatigue, increased fatigue, the general decrease in working capacity
    * Dizzinesses and blackouts from pressure differences
    * Disturbances of a vestibular mechanism: complexity to hold balance, dizzinesses
    * Appetite disturbance (overeating; malnutrition; feeling of hunger, but bystry saturability at meal)
    * Sleep disorders (sleeplessness): bad backfilling, early awakening, awakenings at night, lack of feeling of rest after a dream, dreadful dreams
    * Psychological experience of physical pain (psikhalgiya), excessive care of the health up to morbid depression
    * Vegetative disturbances: perspiration, heartbeat, fluctuations of arterial pressure (is more often towards decrease), disturbance of work of a stomach, cough, frequent desires to an urination, a liquid chair
    * Sometimes — decrease in a libido and potentiality.

Neurosis reasons:

Neurosis reason: mental traumatization of the personality.
The psychoinjuring situation makes pathogenic impact in the presence of certain conditions, first of all — features of the personality. Leaders among these features are hyper updating of adverse effects and/or events and giving of the excessive biological or social importance to them.
Conditions of development of neurosis. Allocate three main groups of the conditions promoting or interfering development of neurosises: biological, social and psychogenic.
1. Biological conditions of development of neurosis.
  а). Genetic predisposition. Separate neurotic      states (for example, a panic syndrome) meet              representatives of one genealogical line more often.
  б). A floor (neurosis arises at men less often).
  в). Age (neurosis develops in the pubertal and climacteric periods more often).
  г). Constitutional features of the person (astenik are more inclined to neurosises).
  д). The postponed and current diseases reducing resistance of an organism.

2. Social conditions of development of neurosis.
  а). Features of professional activity (for example, information overloads, monotony of labor operations).
  б). Unsuccessful marital status.
  в). Unsatisfactory living conditions.
  г). Features of sexual education, etc.
  д). Inconvenient workplace or transport. Cases of development of neurosises because of the nepravlny choice of a car seat for children are frequent.
3. Psychogenic conditions of development of neurosis.
  а). Personal features (an individual way of thinking, perception, behavior and response to influences at this person).
  б). Mental injuries in the childhood.
  в). The psychoinjuring situations (for example, a serious illness or loss of relatives, office or "academic" difficulties and some other). Formation of neurosis is defined not only by direct reaction of the personality to pathogenic influence, but also more or less long process of the analysis (the clinic designates it the term "ideatorny processing") the individual of current situation, its effects, fear of impossibility to adapt to the developed circumstances.

Treatment of Neurosis:

Treatment of neurosises is carried out individually depending on a disease origin. First of all it is necessary to establish a disease origin to appoint effective treatment. Often    origins of neurosises are the cornerstone the same genes which are the reason of an endogenous depression. In these cases reception of antidepressants with antialarming action is highly effective. The first effects of treatment (for example, improvement of a dream) appear already next day after an initiation of treatment, others (for example, the general uneasiness during the day) begin to decrease by the end of the 1st week of treatment more often. Duration of reception of antidepressants, as a rule, makes about 1 month, then gradual decrease in their dose is carried out (within 2-3 weeks). In cases when overfatigue is the reason of neurosis, it is necessary to recover power abilities of a nervous system. The drugs improving blood supply and a metabolism in a brain, vitamins are for this purpose used. It is very important to adjust a dream that will allow to recover normal work of a nervous system. When the psychological reasons and obsession with alarming thoughts, experiences are the reason of neurosis, an obligatory component of treatment is the psychotherapy. Well training in technicians of relaxation helps – as a result the person has an opportunity to regulate the state, eliminating alarm, studying alarming situations. Use of trnkvilizator for treatment of neurosises. In certain cases reception of tranquilizers is necessary for normalization of a dream and elimination of alarm to currents of day, especially at early stages of treatment when yet the effect of other drugs did not collect. However long regular reception of tranquilizers leads to emergence of dependence, a withdrawal (strengthening of symptoms of a disease in case of cancellation of tranquilizers), worsens memory and attention (up to impossibility of their recovery to initial level). It is necessary to remember that tranquilizers affect only disease symptoms, without removing its cause therefore it is impossible to recover with their help.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Neurosis:

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