
Producer: JSC Valenta Pharmatsevtika Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R06AD01
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: alimemazina of tartrate of 5 mg.
Excipients: sugar milk (lactose), silicon dioxide the colloid, refined sugar (sucrose), starch wheat, tapioca (tapioca starch), talc, magnesium stearate.
The cover of one tablet contains: gipromelloza, macrogoal 6000, titanium dioxide, dye of Ospry R110 pink, talc.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Antipsychotic means (neuroleptic), renders antihistaminic, spasmolytic, serotoninblokiruyushchy and moderate alpha and adrenoceptor blocking action, and also antiemetic, somnolent, sedative and antibechic action. Antipsychotic action is caused by blockade dopamine D2 receptors of mesolimbic and mesocortical system. Sedative action is caused by blockade of adrenoceptors of a reticular formation of a trunk of a brain; antiemetic action - blockade of D2 receptors of a trigger zone of the emetic center; hypothermal action - blockade of dopamine receptors of a hypothalamus. The beginning of effect - in 15-20 min., action duration - 6-8 h.
Has low antipsychotic activity therefore at acute psychotic states it is ineffective.
Due to the good tolerance finds application in children's, teenage and gerontological practice.
Pharmacokinetics. It is quickly and completely soaked up, the maximum concentration in plasma is observed in 1-2 hours after intake. Communication with proteins of plasma - 20-30%, an elimination half-life - 3,5-4 h. It is removed by kidneys - 70-80% in the form of a metabolite (sulphoxide) within 48 hours. The beginning of effect - in 15-20 min., action duration - 6-8 h.
Indications to use:
Neurosises and neurosis-like conditions of endogenous and organic genesis with dominance of senestopathetic, hypochiondrial, phobic and psychovegetative frustration; psychopathies with asthenic and psychoasthenic frustration; alarming depressions within boundary endogenous and vascular diseases; senestopathetic depressions, the somatized mental disorders; conditions of nervousness and alarm at somatopathies; sleep disorders of various genesis, allergic reactions (symptomatic treatment).
Route of administration and doses:
Inside. The daily dose is distributed on 3-4 receptions.
Adult 5-10 mg/days (somnolent action); 60-80 mg/days (anxiolytic action). At psychotic states - 0,2-0,4 g/days.
To children from 7 years appoint according to the following scheme (depending on age and body weight):
2,5 - 5 mg/days (somnolent action)
5-20 mg/days (as a symptomatic treatment of allergic reactions)
20-40 mg/days (anxiolytic action)
At psychotic states increase in a daily dose to 60 mg/days is possible.
Features of use:
At prolonged treatment it is necessary to carry out systematically the general blood test, to estimate function of a liver.
Can mask ototoksichesky action (a sonitus and dizziness) jointly of the applied HP.
Increases the need for Riboflavinum.
For prevention of distortion of results of skin scarifying tests on allergens it is necessary to cancel for 72 h before allergic testing.
During treatment false positive results on pregnancy existence are possible.
Against the background of treatment it is not necessary to be engaged in the types of activity demanding the increased concentration of attention. During treatment it is not necessary to take alcohol.
Side effects:
Drug is usually well transferred. Side effects are extremely rare and expressed slightly.
- From a nervous system: the drowsiness, slackness, bystry fatigue which are arising mainly in the first days of reception and seldom demanding drug withdrawal; paradoxical reaction (concern, excitement, "dreadful" dreams, irritability); seldom - confusion of consciousness, extrapyramidal frustration (a hypokinesia, an akathisia, a tremor); increase of a night apnoea, increase in convulsive activity (at children).
- From sense bodys: an illegibility of visual perception (accommodation paresis), noise or a ring in ears.
- From CCC: dizziness, decrease in the ABP, tachycardia.
- From the alimentary system: dryness in a mouth, a digestive tract atony, locks, a loss of appetite.
- From respiratory system: dryness in a nose, a throat, increase in viscosity of a bronchial secret.
- From an urinary system: bladder atony, ischuria.
- Other: allergic reactions, oppression of a marrowy blood formation, the increased sweating, a muscular relaxation, a photosensitization.
Interaction with other medicines:
Strengthens effects of narcotic analgetics, somnolent, anxiolytic (tranquilizers) and antipsychotic HP (neuroleptics), and also HP for the general anesthesia, m-holinoblokatorov and hypotensive HP (correction of doses is required). Weakens action of derivatives of amphetamine, m-holinostimulyatorov, ephedrine, a guanetidin, a levodopa, a dopamine.
The ethanol and HP suppressing action of TsNS - oppression of TsNS.
Antiepileptic HP and barbiturates reduce a threshold of convulsive activity (correction of doses is required).
Beta adrenoblockers increase (mutually) concentration in plasma (are possible the expressed decrease in the ABP, arrhythmia).
Weakens action of Bromocriptinum and increases concentration of prolactin in blood serum.
Tricyclic antidepressants and anticholinergic HP strengthen m-holinoblokiruyushchuyu activity.
MAO inhibitors (co-administration is not recommended) and derivatives of a fenotiazin increase risk of developing of arterial hypotension and extrapyramidal frustration.
At co-administration of an alimemazin with the medicines oppressing a marrowy hemopoiesis the risk of a miyelosupressiya increases.
Hepatotoxic HP strengthen manifestations of a hepatotoxic of drug.
Hypersensitivity, closed-angle glaucoma, prostate hyperplasia, serious illness of a liver and kidneys, parkinsonism, myasthenia, syndrome to Reja, simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors, pregnancy, lactation period; children's age up to 7 years.
With care: хр. alcoholism if in the anamnesis there are instructions on complications at use of drugs of a fenotiazinovy row; obstruction of a neck of a bladder, predisposition to an ischuria, epilepsy, open angle glaucoma, jaundice, oppression of function of marrow, arterial hypotension.
Strengthening of side reactions, consciousness oppression. Treatment - siptomatichesky.
Storage conditions:
To store in dry, protected from light and the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets on 5 mg film coated. On 10 or 25 tablets in a blister strip packaging.
On 1, 2, 5 blister strip packagings together with the application instruction place in a pack from a cardboard.