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Vegetative neurosis


Vegetative neurosis (synonym: vegetative dysfunction, a vegetopatiya, vegetative dystonia) — group of the diseases developing owing to dysfunction of the highest vegetative centers. The term "vegetative neurosis" — conditional as it is impossible to tell about neurosis only the autonomic nervous system. "vegetative dysfunction" is more correct to call functional vegetative frustration.

Symptoms of Vegetative neurosis:

Vegetatively - skin disturbances: different types of an angioneurosis at which the mramornost and cyanosis of skin, humidity or a xeroderma, a skin itch, etc. are expressed. Vegetative and trophic disturbances: atrophy of muscles of a half of the face, dryness and fragility of nails, ulcers, erosion, etc. Vegetative and visceral frustration: pains, hypersensitivity (hyperesthesia) in Ged's zones, pseudo-stenocardia, feeling of shortage of air, dysfunction of a gullet, bilious ways, intestines, secretory frustration (disturbance of secretion of saliva, a gastric juice), disbolism (water, salt, carbohydrate),  a bladder spasm, a spastic colitis, etc. Vegetative and allergic frustration: Quincke's edema, urticaria, hay fever  , etc.

Reasons of Vegetative neurosis:

Vegetative frustration — one of displays of neurosises (a neurasthenia, hysteria, a psychasthenia), however vegetative dysfunction quite often develops in early stages of organic lesions of a nervous system. Quite often vegetative neurosis arises after a mental injury.
The following frustration belong to vegetative neurosises. Vasculomotor frustration: headaches, migraines, passing arterial hypertension or hypotonia, vasculomotor forms of a disease of Menyer, Raynaud's disease, acroparesthesias, etc.

Treatment of Vegetative neurosis:

It is necessary to remove a cause of illness, to give the means improving a dream (phenobarbital  on 0,05  g,  Noxyronum on 1 tablet for the night), the drugs regulating functions of the autonomic nervous system: cholinolytic (a belladonna on 0,015 g 2 — 3 times a day, etc.), cholinomimetic (Galantaminum of 0,25% solution on 1 ml subcutaneously, 20 — 30 injections), ganglioblokiruyushchy  (Pachycarpinum  on 0,05 g 2 — 3 times a day), adrenomimetichesky  (ephedrine). It is necessary to carry out symptomatic therapy: calming (bromine, Tinctura Valerianae  2 — 3 times a day), soothing (analginum), antispasmodics (papaverine), vitamin therapy (group B vitamins), psychotherapy.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Vegetative neurosis:

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