Zelenina of a drop

Producer: "Vishpha" Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C01EX
Pharm group: Drugs for treatment of heart diseases
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Drops are oral.
General characteristics. Structure:
Main physical and chemical properties: transparent liquid of greenish or yellow-brown color with a characteristic smell.
Structure: belladonnas of tincture (1:10) — 5 ml, a lily of the valley of tincture (1:10) — 10 ml, a valerian of tincture (1:5) — - 10 ml, menthol racemic — 0,2 g.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Components of tinctures reduce excitability of the central nervous system, have spasmolytic action, insignificant cardiotonic effect, increase heart rate. Valerian acid has soothing effect on the central nervous system. Tincture blocks belladonnas M-holinoretseptory unstriated muscles of internals and causes spasmolytic action. Menthol, irritating a mucous membrane of an oral cavity, reflex causes expansion of coronary vessels.
Pharmacokinetics. It was not studied.
Indications to use:
Vegetative neurosises, bradycardia.
Route of administration and doses:
Internally adult — till 20-25 drops 2–3 times a day, parting with a small amount of water. To children 12 years are more senior appoint at the rate of 1 drop to 1 year of life. Duration of treatment depends on the reached therapeutic effect and portability of drug.
Features of use:
To patients of old age and children Zelenina is more senior than 12 years drops are appointed with care because of the content of alkaloids of group of atropine.
Apply to increase in therapeutic activity together with hawthorn drugs.
Influence on ability to direct the car or to work with difficult mechanisms. During treatment it is necessary to refrain from control of motor transport and performance of work which requires special attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions to drug components, dryness in a mouth, heartburn, a gastralgia, tachycardia.
Interaction with other medicines:
Zelenina drops reduce action of antiarrhytmic means which appoint at tachycardia and strengthen effect of drugs which recommend at a bradyarrhythmia, and also antispasmodics.
Hypersensitivity to drug components, heavy disturbances of cordial activity, glaucoma, a prostatauxe. Pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Children's age up to 12 years.
Accommodation disturbance, dizziness, dryness in a mouth, tachycardia, expansion of pupils.
Treatment. Symptomatic.
Storage conditions:
At a temperature not above 25 °C in the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity — 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 25 ml in bottles droppers.