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Gisterosalpingografiya (GSG) – the research allowing to specify a condition of a cavity of the uterus and passability of uterine tubes.
Gisterosalpingografiya it is possible to do with use of X-ray equipment and the ultrasonic device. In the first case it is x-ray GSG (Rg-GSG), in the second – ultrasonic (sonografichesky, ekhografichesky) GSG (OUSE-GSG).
It is possible to check passability of uterine tubes both in the first, and in the second phase of a menstrual cycle. The patient keeps within a gynecologic chair. Into a cavity of the uterus by means of a special catheter it is entered or radiopaque substance – Urografinum, Verografinum, Urotrastum, etc., or liquid – normal saline solution, solutions of glucose, Furacilin, etc. Then in the first case a series of x-ray films, in the second – ultrasonography is carried out. Gisterosalpingografiya treats low-painful interventions therefore anesthesia is not carried out.
The main indication to carrying out a gisterosalpingografiya is infertility as in the presence of impassable uterine tubes pregnancy approach is impossible in the natural way. The cavity of the uterus at a gisterosalpingografiya looks round "at the same time" as for diagnosis of a hysteromyoma, endometriosis, endometria polyps, etc. now there are other, more modern methods of a research.
In the analysis of data of a gisterosalpingografiya the cavity of the uterus, passability of uterine tubes, their state (is or not expansion – a sactosalpinx) is estimated, it is indirectly possible to judge existence of commissural process in a small basin.
Before carrying out a gisterosalpingografiya it is necessary to be convinced of lack of acute inflammatory processes of bodies of a small pelvis, a vagina inflammation. That is survey by the gynecologist and capture of smears from a vagina and the cervical channel are necessary. In addition, researches on syphilis, HIV infection are necessary, hepatitises B and C are the general requirement to carrying out any interventions in a human body. It is necessary to remember that women at whom the allergy to iodine as radiopaque substances support him is revealed cannot carry out Rg-GSG.
Occasionally after a gisterosalpingografiya there are complications, first of all, an aggravation of chronic inflammatory process of a uterus or uterine tubes.

Type of a uterus at a gisterosalpingografiya