Proctal condylomas (anus condyloma)
- Description
- Reasons of proctal condylomas
- Symptoms of proctal condylomas
- Diagnosis
- Differential diagnosis
- Treatment of proctal condylomas
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Condylomas of an anus represent the small warty small knots or sharp-pointed elements like papillomas expanding around skin, surrounding an anus.
Reasons of proctal condylomas:
It is known that the virus can cause the proliferation of cells of epidermis and nipples of a derma leading to formation of condylomas. G. Gross and соавт. (1982) established that the sharp-pointed condyloma is caused by a virus of papilloma of the person Kondiloma appear more often as a result of long irritation of skin allocations from a rectum.
Symptoms of proctal condylomas:
The clinical picture comes down mainly to unpleasant subjective feelings. Even when condylomas of the small sizes, they I cause inconveniences when walking and sitting, cause feelings of a foreign body in an anus and an itch.

Proctal condylomas
The diagnosis is established by means of a proctologic research. Condylomas can be located in the form of separate islands around an anus or surround it with a continuous layer, forming growths of gray-brown color, by the form reminding a cauliflower.
Differential diagnosis:
The differential diagnosis has to be carried out with syphilis, gonorrhea and planocellular cancer of anorectal area. At suspicion of cancer it is necessary to excise completely the center of defeat and to investigate bioptata from different sites of a tumor.
Treatment of proctal condylomas:
Treatment of condylomas — surgical. As the condyloma develops from derma nipples, it is necessary to direct during its removal an acute scalpel precisely on the plane of a cover and to excise only a skin blanket. The remained wounds powder a xeroform, put a bandage with Vishnevsky's ointment to them.