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Uric fistulas


Uric fistulas are the pathological message between uric ways and other bodies caused in most cases by an injury.
Existence of genital fistula results the woman who is quite often in the prime of life in disability. Menstrual and reproductive functions are broken, the difficult situation in life is created that depresses mentality.

At these patients in various degree inflammatory processes in urinogenital bodies which are caused by the direct message of uric ways with a vagina are expressed. Cicatricial changes and dysfunction of a bladder lead to a stricture or a gaping of mouths of ureters that involves expansion of upper parts of uric system. Changes in uric ways and a bacteriuria are advantage factors for development of an urolithiasis. Thus, existence of urinogenital fistulas, leads to a renal failure and poses a threat to health of the woman.

Symptoms of Uric fistulas:

The main is the complaint to a full or partial incontience of urine. The disturbance of menstrual function caused by the accompanying inflammatory diseases of a uterus and appendages or a mental depression is quite often noted.

Мочевой свищ (рентгенконтрастная урография)

Uric fistula (X-ray contrast urography)

Reasons of Uric fistulas:

Uric fistulas arise at the complicated childbirth, operative measures, at malignant tumors and radiation therapy more often.

Treatment of Uric fistulas:

  After processing of external genitals and a vagina, refreshing and mobilization of edges of a fistular opening of edge of fistula connect 1 — 2 rows of noose sutures.

•  The first row is imposed the resolving synthetic threads.

•  When imposing the second row of seams it is possible to use capron.

•  On area of the taken-in wound of a bladder for the purpose of strengthening of the line of seams impose a mesh prosthesis from soluble alloplastik.

•  The prosthesis is fixed to a bladder wall ligatures that it densely adjoined to a bladder and went beyond edges of the taken-in wound not less than on 1,5 cm.

•  Edges of a vulval wound over a prosthesis connect noose sutures.

•  For one days enter a tampon for providing a dense prileganiye of a wall of a vagina to a prosthesis into a vagina.

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