Dekspantenol E

Producer: LLC Pharmtekhnologiya Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D03AX03
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Cream.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 50 mg of a dekspantenol and 5 mg of α-tocopherolacetate in 1 g of cream.
Excipients: white soft paraffin, paraffin liquid, cetostearyl alcohol, a macrogoal cetostearyl ether, a makrogolglitserin hydroxystearate, stearic acid, diethanol amide, benzyl alcohol, the water purified.
The combined drug of local action accelerating regeneration of skin at a ranozazhivleniya, and suppresses manifestation of various dermatological problems.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Dekspantenol is B5 provitamin. Its action is similar to effect of pantothenic acid, however it rezorbirutsya better at topical administration. Pantothenic acid is a component of a coenzyme And which in the form of a coenzyme of an atsetilko plays an important role in cellular metabolism. Pantothenic acid plays an important role in processes of acetylation and oxidation, participates in carbohydrate, a lipometabolism and in synthesis of acetylcholine. Exerts the expressed impact on education and function of epithelial fabric, and also some antiinflammatory action.
Active ingredient well gets into the struck area. Use of medicine is especially shown at badly healing wounds and ulcers. Promotes regeneration of the skin subject to sharp meteorological influences (for example, cracking of skin of lips, sunblisters, etc.). Accelerates regeneration of the injured skin (scratches, small wounds, an intertrigo, decubituses and a different look burns, etc.). Suppresses manifestation of various dermatological problems. It is recommended also for preventive care of healthy skin. An effective remedy for care of the superficial, not infected mechanical or thermal injuries of skin.
Pharmacokinetics: at topical administration quickly is absorbed and turns into pantothenic acid, contacts proteins of plasma (mainly with beta globulin and albumine).
Indications to use:
The injuries of skin of easy degree caused by mechanical, chemical, thermal and other factors:
· scratches, grazes;
· irritations after influence ultra-violet (including solar) and x-ray emission;
· burns of various origin (including solar);
· dermatitis
· treatment of defects of a mucous uterus of a pharynx
· inflammation of a mucous membrane of a nose
At children of early age - for prevention and treatment of a diaper dermatitis of easy degree.
At nursing mothers - for prevention and treatment of nipple cracks of mammary glands.
Protection of skin against influence of adverse climatic factors (crusting and frostbite).
Prevention and treatment of an intertrigo of easy degree at children and adults. Processing of skin around trakheosty, gastrostomies and kolosty.
Route of administration and doses:
Medicine is intended only for external use at children and adults. Cream is applied nakozhno on affected areas of skin once or several times in days, depending on need. To prevention and treatment of cracks and inflammations of nipples after each feeding cream is applied in the form of a compress. For treatment of defects of a mucous membrane of a pharynx of a uterus cream is appointed 1 time a day. Duration of treatment depends on a look and the course of a disease.
Features of use:
Only for external use. Not to apply on the becoming wet wounds.
It is necessary to avoid hit of medicine in eyes.
At emergence of allergic reactions treatment should be stopped. At detection of the by-effects which are not specified in this instruction to inform the doctor.
Side effects:
In isolated cases development of skin allergic reactions, such as an itch and urticaria is possible.
Hypersensitivity to medicine components.
Storage conditions:
In the place protected from light at a temperature not above +25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 7,0 g, 20,0 g, 30,0 g and 50,0 g in the tubas placed together with a leaf insert in packs from a cardboard.