Producer: CIAO Biofarm Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: S01A B04
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Drops are eye.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 1 ml of solution contains 300 mg of Sodium sulfacetamidum;
excipients: sodium metabisulphite, 1M hydroxide sodium solution, water for injections.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Antimicrobic means of group of streptocides. Drug is effective at streptococcal, gonococcal, pneumococcal and collibacillary infections. Works bacteriostatically. The mechanism of action is connected with competitive antagonism with para-aminobenzoic acid and competitive oppression of a digidropteroatsintetaza that leads to disturbance of synthesis of the tetrahydrofolic acid necessary for synthesis of purines and pyrimidines.
Pharmacokinetics. At instillation on a conjunctiva the sulfacetamide of sodium gets into the eye environment where makes the specific antibacterial impact. Works preferential locally, but a part of drug is soaked up through the inflamed conjunctiva and gets to a system blood stream.
Indications to use:
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of eyes which are caused by microflora, sensitive to drug (conjunctivitis, a keratitis, blepharites, purulent helcomas, бленнорея). Gonorrheal diseases of eyes at newborns and adults, prevention of a blennorea at newborns.
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is dug in in the affected eye on 1–2 drops of 3-6 times a day. Course of treatment of 7-10 days. At gonorrheal diseases of eyes: topical treatment (in the form of an instillation of 30% solution a sodium sulfacetamide). For prevention of a blennorea at newborns dig in in eyes on the 2nd drop directly after the birth and on the 2nd drop in 2 hours.
Features of use:
At helcomas powder it the crushed powder (powder) a sulfacetamide of sodium of 5-6 times a day to full epithelization, then pass 30% of aqueous solution to an instillation. During pregnancy and feeding by a breast of sufficient experiment on use there is no drug. Use of a sulfacetamide of sodium for treatment of pregnant women is possible and during a lactation on doctor's orders if the expected medical effect exceeds risk of development of possible side effects.
Side effects:
The taking place burning in eyes, reddening of a conjunctiva.
Interaction with other medicines:
At combined use with novocaine, Dicainum, anaesthesin the bacteriostatic effect decreases; dipheninum, salicylates increase toxicity of a sulfacetamide of sodium; at use from antikoagulyana of indirect action specific activity of the last increases. The sodium sulfacetamide at topical administration is incompatible with silver salts.
Hypersensitivity to components of drug and other streptocides.
Symptoms. Considerable irritation of a mucous membrane of an eye.
Treatment: in these cases immediately stop administration of drug. In case of need appoint symptomatic therapy.
Storage conditions:
To store in the place protected from light, at a temperature from 8 °Сдо 15 °C. A period of storage – 2 years. After opening of a bottle – 20 days.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 5 or 10 ml of 30 % of solution in a bottle.