DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Ophthalmology Purulent helcoma

Purulent helcoma


The purulent helcoma usually is caused by a pneumococcus after a traumatic erosion of a cornea, is frequent in the presence of a purulent dacryocystitis.

Symptoms of the Purulent helcoma:

In the central part of a cornea there is a small infiltrate of grayish-yellow color which quickly turns into an ulcer with a yellowish and purulent shade. The cornea about it of "istykan", is edematous, a mutna. In an anterior chamber pus (hypopyon) accumulates. The iritis develops, back synechias are formed, there can occur perforation of a cornea.

Reasons of the Purulent helcoma:

The purulent helcoma usually is caused by a pneumococcus after a traumatic erosion of a cornea, is frequent in the presence of a purulent dacryocystitis.

Treatment of the Purulent helcoma:

1. Every 30 — 40 min. to wash out a conjunctival sac solution of potassium permanganate 1:5000 with the subsequent instillation of antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity (колбиоцин, тобрекс).
2. To dig Scopolaminum of 0,25% solution or 1% atropine solution.
3. Antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity inside or intramusculary.
4. Urgent hospitalization in eye department.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Purulent helcoma:

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