Acute disorder of intraocular tension
- Description
- Symptoms of the Acute disorder of intraocular tension
- Reasons of the Acute disorder of intraocular tension
- Treatment of the Acute disorder of intraocular tension
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It is necessary to distinguish from acute pathology of hydrodynamics of an eye acute increase VGD and acute hypotonia of an eyeglobe.
Symptoms of the Acute disorder of intraocular tension:
Clinical signs and symptoms of a bad attack: eye pain and the area surrounding it with irradiation on the trifacial course (a forehead, a temple, malar area); decrease in sight, emergence of iridescent circles before eyes at a view of a light source; the mixed injection of congestive character; cornea hypostasis; small or slit-like anterior chamber; at long existence of an attack emergence of opalescence of moisture of an anterior chamber is possible; protrusion of a kpereda of an iris, hypostasis of its stroma, segmented atrophy; the mydriasis, reaction of a pupil to light is absent; sharp increase in VGD; emergence of bradycardia, nausea, vomiting.
Clinical signs and symptoms of a subacute attack: insignificant decrease in sight, emergence of iridescent circles before eyes at a view of a light source; the easy mixed eyeglobe injection; slight hypostasis of a cornea; unsharply expressed mydriasis; increase in VGD to 30 — 35 mm of mercury.; at a gonioskopiya the corner of an anterior chamber is blocked not throughout; at a tonogra-fiya sharp reduction of coefficient of ease of outflow.
Reasons of the Acute disorder of intraocular tension:
Pathogenetic mechanisms are connected with development of the pupillary block arising at a moderate mydriasis that leads to protrusion of a root of an iris and the block of a corner of an anterior chamber. Corectomy stops an attack, prevents development of new attacks and transition to a chronic form.
Treatment of the Acute disorder of intraocular tension:
Clinical recommendations at a bad attack of ZUG V dig in a conjunctival sac: Pilocarpinum of 1% solution within 1 hour each 15 min., then each hour 2 — 3 times, further 3-6 р / days depending on extent of decrease in VGD; Timololum of a maleate of 0,5% solution 2 р / days; dorzolamida of 2% solution 3 р / days (Трусопт) or brinzolamida of 1% suspension 2 р / days (Азопт).