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Eye pain


It is difficult to define what is eye pain. According to oculists, eye problems can vary from unpleasant feelings around or in an eye to a nagging pain in eye proteins.

Symptoms of Pain in an eye:

There is, apparently, a paradoxical situation - at too motionless position of eyes or their long tension there can come the exhaustion of oculomotor muscles. That is why there is a feeling of dull ache in an eye-socket after long work with the monitor of the computer or reading the thick novel. If light falling on pages of the book, too weak or ceiling light too sharp you can have even more expressed pain in eyes. Besides, the exhaustion of eye muscles can arise at incorrectly chosen glasses or outdated contact lenses.

Sometimes pain which you feel in eyes goes from other body parts. What we perceive as eye pain actually can be the headache or pain connected with a muscle tension of the person. However, if you note severe pain, reddening of eyes and a vision disorder, then probably the reason of frustration - a uveitis, i.e. an inflammation of the pigmented sites of an eye. It is often connected with hit of the infection which is in any part of a body. The severe pains which are followed by other symptoms generally it is nausea and a nimbus around a light source, can be a symptom of glaucoma - the disease which is characterized by increase in intraocular pressure and leading to a blindness of eyes if not to treat him.

Reasons of Pain in an eye:

Are the most common causes of pain in eyes:

- Overfatigue of eye muscles, a scratching of a surface of an eye contact lenses (in case of use of outdated or just improper lenses), the wrong choice of points. Eyes differently hurt - it can be notable pain which vanishes when closing an eye, or easy tingling.

- As for the internal factors causing eye pain it can be a headache or result of an overstrain of face muscles.

- Eye pain and directly is connected with eye diseases - for example, with an eyeglobe choroid inflammation (uveitis).

- If eye pain was caused not by(with) a wind gust and the eyelash which did not accidentally get under an eyelid, but not clear reasons, then may be that eyes not just like that hurt, and signaling about any disease.

- An injury, hit of a foreign body in an eye.
It can be an injury, hit of a foreign body in an eye. The bacteria brought at the same time cause an inflammation and "gripes" in an eye.
The first that the victim needs to make, it to wash out an eye and to dig Albucid solution; if there is no such opportunity, then try to remove a foreign body independently, having often blinked and having carefully massaged the closed eye to an internal corner.
If the foreign body got into an eye during the work with percussion or electric tools, or is not removed independently, then not to do you without ophthalmologist.

Also do not postpone a visit to the doctor because in several days after an injury before a look of the ophthalmologist the keratitis picture, and at worst even the expressed inflammation of deep departments of an eye which will demand very serious treatment for preservation of an eye of the patient will appear.
- The developing infection in an eye
The inflammation arises owing to the developing infection, and bacteria or viruses get into an eye not only from external environment, but also from the centers of persistent infection of own human body. For example, if the patient once had an urogenital infection, has chronic antritis, tonsillitis, caries, recurrent herpes.
Often search of the infection causing an eye inflammation does not bring any result as the inflammation supports own organism against the background of the arisen autoimmune disease (a pseudorheumatism, a vasculitis, etc.).
Such inflammation of an eye is called a uveitis. It is one of the most "ungrateful" diseases in treatment planning as emergence of a recurrence is inevitable and it is necessary to conduct long courses of antirecurrent therapy.
Sometimes pains can be caused by an inflammation of branches of a trifacial after overcooling or the postponed viral infection, for example herpes.

- A disease of the vessels feeding an eyeglobe.
The patient feels eye pain at diseases of the vessels feeding an eyeglobe. There is it in connection with development of insufficient blood supply of an eye and the fabrics of an orbit (ischemia) surrounding it. This state manages to be determined only at a research of vessels by method of ultrasonic triplex scanning, and treatment is carried out together with the cardiologist.

- Syndrome of "a dry eye"
Recently very widespread, is a syndrome of "a dry eye" which often develops during the long work on the computer, indoors with the conditioner and luminescent lighting. Now ophthalmologists have a sufficient arsenal of modern means for prevention and fight against this pathology.

Besides, in risk group of emergence of a syndrome of "a dry eye", the people using  a contact  method of correction of sight, and in other words - contact lenses enter.
Ophthalmologists strongly recommend to approach more carefully the choice of lenses and to address specialists at the first sensations of discomfort. Usually, for prevention of pain and  dryness in eyes, ophthalmologists recommend  silicone - hydrogel lenses (from hydrogel silicone), however now gain popularity of a lens made of the material "hyper gel". This material  completely corresponds to moisture content of a cornea and imitates action of a natural lipidic layer of the lacrimal film that many times increases comfort from carrying lenses and is well transferred  by patients, testing a xerophthalmus (ustaranyat problems with a xerophthalmus. BiotrueONEday lenses belong to the lenses made of hydrogel. Specialists, also, note that these lenses will be ideal for people whose activity is connected with strong tension of eyes as lenses not only well pass oxygen, but also have the optimum moisture content equal to amount of moisture of a cornea of an eye of the person. The feeling of comfort in these lenses remains even if to carry them more than 16 hours, thanks to their unique ability to hold moisture that favorably influences eyes, reducing risk of their fatigue and reddening at the end of the day.

Treatment of Pain in an eye:

Treatment of the main pathology is carried out.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Pain in an eye:

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