Neuroparalytic keratitis
- Description
- Symptoms of the Neuroparalytic keratitis
- Reasons of the Neuroparalytic keratitis
- Treatment of the Neuroparalytic keratitis
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see also:
- Keratitis
- Acute virus keratitis
- Fungal keratitis
- Stromal keratitis
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
Neuroparalytic keratitis - the slow inflammation of a cornea developing at defeat of a trifacial.
Symptoms of the Neuroparalytic keratitis:
Symptoms of a neuroparalytic keratitis have features. The course of a disease in the beginning asymptomatic, and it is often found accidentally. Sensitivity of a cornea is absent therefore there is no characteristic subjective corneal syndrome: a photophobia, dacryagogue and a nictitating spasm, feeling of a foreign body, despite a cornea surface roughness. All mechanisms of the notification about the beginning of pathological process are paralyzed. There is no pericorneal injection of vessels also. In the beginning there are changes in the central department of a cornea: puffiness of blankets, swelling of an epithelium which is gradually exfoliated are formed erosion which quickly merge in extensive defect. The bottom and edges of such defect remain pure for a long time. If coccal flora joins, there is a muddy grayish-white or yellowish infiltration, the purulent helcoma forms.
Current of a neurotrophic keratitis sluggish and long.

Objktivny condition of an eye at a neuroparalytic keratitis
Reasons of the Neuroparalytic keratitis:
The neuroparalytic keratitis develops after crossing of the first branch of a trifacial, sometimes after injections in the area of a gasserov of a node or after its extirpation. At some infectious diseases conductivity of the first branch of a trifacial is blocked. Together with disturbance of tactile sensitivity there is a change of trophic processes. The disease of a cornea can develop not at once, and after a while.
Treatment of the Neuroparalytic keratitis:
Treatment of a neuroparalytic keratitis symptomatic. First of all it is necessary to provide protection of the struck cornea against drying and hit of dust by means of semi-hermetic points. Appoint the drugs improving a trophicity of a cornea and processes of regeneration, and also protecting it from invasion of an infection. Instillations of medicines combine with a mortgaging of ointments and gels for an eyelid. They hold drug on a surface of a cornea longer and at the same time cover a naked surface, facilitate epithelization. In the presence of indications, according to recommendations of the neuropathologist, carry out the physiotherapy stimulating function of sympathetic cervical nodes.
When there is a threat of perforation of a cornea, resort to surgical protection of an eye - to sewing together a century, at the same time at an internal corner of an eye leave a crack for an instillation of medicines.