Dystrophic keratitis
- Description
- Symptoms of the Dystrophic keratitis
- Reasons of the Dystrophic keratitis
- Treatment of the Dystrophic keratitis
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see also:
- Keratitis
- Acute virus keratitis
- Fungal keratitis
- Stromal keratitis
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
Dystrophic keratitis by origin shares on primary and secondary. Primary dystrophies of a cornea result from disturbance of the general and local metabolism, a bowl proteinaceous (a hyalinosis, an amyloidosis, etc.). These dystrophies quite often happen hereditary, family, bilateral, progressing.
Secondary dystrophies of a cornea develop in the outcome of a keratitis of various etiology (injuries, iridocyclites).
Symptoms of the Dystrophic keratitis:
Severe pains in an eye in the absence of tactile sensitivity of a cornea (anesthesia dolorosa corneae). Not sharply expressed inflammatory phenomena in an eye (not the corresponding weights of subjective feelings), dacryagogue, sometimes a rhinorrhea.
The surface of a cornea tarnishes, becomes dim, rough. Visible disintegration of an epithelium is sometimes observed, the infection joins that leads to formation of ulcers of a cornea. Reaction from an iris of the eye in the form of narrowing of a pupil with sluggish reaction is usually noted it on light.
The current is very long. The disease lasts many weeks, and sometimes and months, before elimination of the general inflammatory process which took the V nerve.

Clinical manifestations of a keratitis
Reasons of the Dystrophic keratitis:
Defeat of a trifacial, mostly inflammatory character (it is frequent because of malaria, flu or a focal infection). The disturbance of sensitivity and a trophicity of a cornea conducting to a degeneration and disintegration of corneal cells is observed.
Treatment of the Dystrophic keratitis:
Keratitis begin to treat with elimination of the reasons which caused a disease. Primeyat glucocorticosteroids – Prednisolonum (new Prednisolonum), Methylprednisolonum (Medrolum, solu-Medrolum, depot Medrolum), a hydrocortisone (hydrocortisone-pos).