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Chronic dacryocystitis

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The chronic dacryocystitis is a chronic inflammation of a dacryocyst. The term comes from two Greek words (dakryon — a tear and kystis — a bubble, a sack).

Symptoms of the Chronic dacryocystitis:

The chronic dacryocystitis is shown by persistent dacryagogue, a swelling in the field of a dacryocyst. When pressing on area of a dacryocyst from the lacrimal openings the mucopurulent or purulent discharge appears. A conjunctiva the century, a semi-lunar fold, the lacrimal meat are hyperemic. Nasal test with colloid silver or flyuorestseiny negative (dye in a nose does not pass); when washing the lacrimal ways liquid in a nasal cavity also does not pass. At a long chronic dacryocystitis there can come severe stretching (ectasia) of a dacryocyst; in these cases skin over an ektazirovanny dacryocyst is thinned and the last appears through it in bluish color. The chronic dacryocystitis constitutes constant danger to an eye: the purulent discharge of a bag can easily infect a cornea even at its superficial damages and quite often leads to formation of an ulcer on it.
At a chronic dacryocystitis the swelling in the field of a dacryocyst, dacryagogue, and then and suppuration is noted. Prinadavlivaniya on area of a dacryocyst from the lacrimal openings mucous, mucopurulent or purulent contents are squeezed out.

Sometimes at preservation of partial passability in the stenosed nasolacrimal channel, contents of a dacryocyst can be emptied in a nasal cavity. The lacrimal meat, a semi-lunar fold and a conjunctiva are angry, hyperemic, persistent conjunctivitis and a blepharitis is quite often noted. At long existence of a dacryocystitis the bag can strongly stretch and then in the field of a dacryocyst sharp protrusion by size about walnut is noted. Skin over a swelling is a little thinned. Mucous a bag can atrophy, lose character of mucous, cease to separate slime and pus, and then the bag contains transparent, a little viscous liquid (it is a so-called edema of a dacryocyst - hydrops sacci lacrimalis).

Reasons of the Chronic dacryocystitis:

The main reason for a chronic dacryocystitis — narrowing or impassability of the nasolacrimal channel. Without having an exit in a nasal cavity, the lacrimal liquid accumulates in a dacryocyst, quite often causing an inflammation of his mucous membrane. The bag strongly stretches, reaching time of the sizes of cherry, it becomes clear noticeable under the thinned skin.

Various diseases of a nose, especially chronic cold can be a push to development of a dacryocystitis. There is a dacryocystitis and a consequence of inflammatory process in the Highmore's bosom, next to a dacryocyst, (antritis); can develop also after a nose injury.

Treatment of the Chronic dacryocystitis:

Treatment surgical - a dacryocystorhinostomy. Before carrying out operation it is obligatory in the morning and in the evening to the patient recommend to carry out pressing on area of a dacryocyst for the purpose of removal of its contents with the subsequent careful washing of an eye flowing water and an instillation of disinfecting and antiinflammatory drops.

For the purpose of sanitation of a conjunctiva appoint instillations of 20% of solution of Sulfacylum-natrium, 10% of solution Sulfapyridazinum sodium, 0,25% of solution of levomycetinum, 0,5% of solution of gentamycin, 0,5% of solution of Neomycinum, 1% of solution of erythromycin, 0,25% of solution of zinc sulfate from 2% boric acid 2-3 times a day. The conjunctival sac is washed out by 2% solution of boric acid, solution of potassium permanganate (1:5000) or Furacilin (1:5000) 2-3 of time a day. For reduction of the inflammatory phenomena instillations of corticosteroids - 1-2,5% of suspension of a hydrocortisone, 0,3% of solution of Prednisolonum, 0,1% of solution of dexamethasone, eye drops of "Sofradeks" are recommended.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Chronic dacryocystitis:

  • Препарат ОФТОЦИПРО.


    Antimicrobic means, фторхинолон.

    JSC Tatkhimfarmpreparaty Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья