Uterus hypoplasia
- Description
- Uterus hypoplasia reasons
- Uterus hypoplasia symptoms
- Diagnosis
- Treatment of a hypoplasia of a uterus
- Forecast
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Uterus hypoplasia – the uterus underdevelopment which is characterized by reduction of its sizes in comparison with age and physiological norm. Clinically the hypoplasia of a uterus is shown by the late beginning of periods (after 16 years), their irregularity and the increased morbidity; abortions, anomalies of patrimonial activity, infertility; decrease in a libido and anorgazmiya. It is diagnosed by means of vaginal examonation, ultrasonography, sounding of a cavity of the uterus. Treatment of a hypoplasia of a uterus demands carrying out hormonal therapy, physical therapy, LFK. The forecast for an opportunity and success of pregnancy is defined by uterus hypoplasia degree.
Uterus hypoplasia reasons:
The inborn hypoplasia of a uterus serves as manifestation of genital or general infantility owing to the damaging influence on an embryo in the antenatal period or hereditary factors.
More often the reasons of a hypoplasia of a uterus are covered in disturbances of system of regulation "hypothalamus uterus" or ovarian insufficiency at the increased gonadotropic activity of a hypophysis. Such regulatory failures arise at girls in the childhood or the period of puberty and can develop at hypovitaminoses, intoxications (narcotic, nicotinic), nervous breakdowns, the raised academic and sports loads on a children's organism, anorexia, frequent infections (tonsillitis, a SARS, flu) etc. At the same time there comes the delay in development of initially correctly created uterus.
As the main characteristic of a hypoplasia of a uterus serves reduction of its sizes. Normal at the puberal not giving birth women the uterus has cavity length not less than 7 cm, at giving birth - 8 cm, length of a neck makes 2,5 cm.
Depending on abortion time the gynecology allocates three degrees of a hypoplasia of a uterus: germinal, created vnutriutrobno; infantile and teenage, the births created later. The germinal (fetalis) uterus is characterized up to 3 cm long, the cavity is almost not created, all size is the share of a neck. The infantile (children's) uterus has length from 3 cm to 5,5 cm with a ratio of length of a neck of uterus to her cavity 3:1. The teenage uterus at a hypoplasia has length from 5,5 cm to 7 cm, with less expressed dominance of a neck - 1:3.
Uterus hypoplasia symptoms:
The beginning of periods is characteristic of a hypoplasia of a uterus later (after 16 years). After formation of menstrual function monthly usually proceed painfully (in the form of an algodismenorea), irregularly, have short, scanty or plentiful character.
At a hypoplasia of a uterus lag of the girl in all-physical and sexual development is possible: the teenager of small growth, with evenly narrowed basin, the narrow thoraxes, hypoplastic mammary glands which are absent or are not expressed by secondary sexual characteristics.
Further at puberal women with a hypoplasia of a uterus the reduced sexual feeling, an anorgazmiya is noted. Reproductive disturbances at a hypoplasia of a uterus can include infertility, an extrauterine pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, the expressed toxicoses, weak patrimonial activity, insufficient disclosure of a uterine pharynx in labor, atonic puerperal bleedings.
At women with a uterus hypoplasia tservitsita, endometritises in connection with weak resistance of a reproductive system to infections often develop.
The specified symptoms have to force the woman to address the gynecologist-endocrinologist.
At gynecologic survey of patients with a hypoplasia of a uterus signs of genital infantility come to light: insufficient pilosis, underdeveloped vulvar lips, the clitoris head supporting vulva limits. At vaginal examonation the short narrow vagina decides on the slight arches, lengthening and conical shape of a neck, reduction and flattening of a body of the womb, a giperantefleksiya.
During ultrasonography of a small pelvis the sizes of a body and neck are investigated that allows to judge uterus hypoplasia degree. The x-ray or ultrasonic gisterosalpingoskopiya confirms the reduced uterus sizes, crimpiness of uterine tubes, a hypoplasia of ovaries.
At suspicion on a hypoplasia of a uterus the laboratory research of level of sex hormones (FSG, progesterone, prolactin, LG, oestradiol, testosterone), and also thyroid hormones (TTG, T4) is conducted.
In addition at suspicion on a hypoplasia of a uterus resort to sounding of a cavity of the uterus, determination of bone age of the patient, a X-ray analysis of the Turkish saddle, brain MRT.
Treatment of a hypoplasia of a uterus:
The nature of treatment is defined by degree of a hypoplasia of a uterus and the reasons of its underdevelopment. The basis of treatment of a hypoplasia of a uterus is made by the replaceable or stimulating hormonal therapy at which adequacy the gynecologist manages to reach increase in the sizes of a uterus to normal and recovery of a normal menstrual cycle.
Use of physiotherapeutic methods at a uterus hypoplasia (magnetotherapy, laser therapy, a diathermy, an inductothermy, UVCh-therapy, mud cures, ozoceritotherapies, paraffin therapies) allows to normalize blood circulation in body. The good effect can be noted from endonasal galvanization under the influence of which work of gipotalamo-pituitary area is stimulated, synthesis of LG and FSG hormones increases.
To the patient with a hypoplasia of a uterus vitamin therapy, LFK, gynecologic massage, a balneotherapy (sea bathings and bathtubs) is appointed.
At fetalis type of a hypoplasia of a uterus pregnancy is excluded. At impossibility of approach of independent pregnancy, but safety of function of ovaries, resort to extracorporal fertilization with use of an ovum of the patient within surrogacy.
At small degree of a hypoplasia of a uterus to both normal structure and function of ovaries chances of pregnancy favorable. The current and conducting pregnancy at patients with a hypoplasia of a uterus is accompanied by risks of a misbirth, the complicated childbirth.