Prevention of gonorrhea
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Prevention of gonorrhea – the monogamous relations, use of barrier methods (condoms, хлоргексидин, мирамистин, etc.). At frequent change of sexual partners regular diagnosis of the infections sexually transmitted (IST) is recommended, that is it is necessary to make tests regularly.
Prevention of gonorrhea includes education of the persons belonging to risk groups about ways of the prevention of infection with gonorrhea; identifications asymptomatically the persons infected with gonorrhea or persons with STD symptoms.
For prevention of gonorrhea of eyes at newborns carry out a twofold instillation to eyes of 30% of solution of a sulfacetamide of sodium, to girls for prevention of infection with gonorrhea at the same time the same solution process generative organs.
Sanitary and educational work of venereologists, urologists and ability of the doctor to carry out collecting the exact anamnesis of sexual life of the patient is important for prevention of gonorrhea.

Clinical displays of gonorrhea