Prevention of malaria
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It is known that a disease it is easier to warn, than to treat therefore one week prior to departure in "tropics" it is necessary to begin regular reception of antimalarial drug which will provide protection of an organism. Administration of drug it is necessary to continue the entire period of stay in the tropical countries and one month after homecoming. The choice of medicine depends on the country of residence, and its dose is defined by the doctor.
Also it is recommended to use means of protection from stings of mosquitoes: to grease open parts of a body with the frightening-off means (repellents), to zasetchivat windows and doors a grid or a gauze, to process rooms aerosol insecticides.
Tropical malaria is capable to lead to death less than in 48 hours after emergence of the first symptoms and the more precisely you will carry out rules of prevention of malaria, the probability to ache with this disease is less!

Development cycle of a malarial plasmodium