Prevention of a wound fever
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Prevention of a wound fever comes down to the maximum prevention of planting of a wound microorganisms while treatment concentrates on cardinal reduction of the microflora which is available in a wound and on destruction of the got bacteria. At the same time practical actions for prevention and treatment should be considered not separately, and within the complete concept demanding coordinate actions from all who participate in processing of a wound.
Priority action is strict maintenance of an asepsis. It is necessary premises of preoperative preparation, the operation and postoperative actions, and also processings of open wounds at all acute and chronic wounds.
Already clinically contaminated wounds should be processed only in aseptic conditions too. Not to mention that it is necessary to prevent further consecutive infections, such wounds represent a tank of extremely virulent microorganisms which distribution can be prevented only by means of a comprehensive asepsis.
Other actions for prevention and treatment of a wound fever in turn depend on a condition of a wound and demand adequate actions. At contaminated wounds with primary healing it is necessary to provide bystry outflow of a secret due to opening of seams and the corresponding drainage of a wound. At all for the second time the healing wounds for example traumatic caused and also at chronic ulcerations surgical treatment of a wound moves to the forefront: necroses and impractical fabrics need to be removed, widely to open wound pockets, to take foreign bodys. Blood supply of fabric with an adequate supply of oxygen which is necessary for operation of local protective mechanisms of an organism is at the same time provided to these.
If in view of specific conditions surgical treatment of a wound is impossible, reasonable physical cleaning of a wound with use of water dressings and if necessary using enzymatic drugs.

Activators of a wound fever