- Description
- Neurocysticercosis reasons
- Neurocysticercosis symptoms
- Diagnosis
- Treatment of neurocysticercosis
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Among inhabitants of the Western hemisphere from all 20 potential activators of parasitic invasions of TsNS, undoubtedly, the pork tapeworm of Taenia solium causing neurocysticercosis is in the lead.
Neurocysticercosis reasons:
After the use by the person of the infected food of a larva likvoroprovodyashchy ways migrate on all organism, including a head and spinal cord, and create cysts. The size of cysts in a brain parenchyma usually no more than 1 cm while the size of the cysts which are freely floating in liquor can exceed 5 cm.

Cysticersus cellulosae - the causative agent of neurocysticercosis
Neurocysticercosis symptoms:
Clinical symptoms of neurocysticercosis are minimum until death of larvae in cysts when the local inflammation, a gliosis and hypostasis which are shown epileptiform attacks (the most characteristic symptom), mental disorders and change of the personality or focal neurologic symptoms develop. In case of occlusion of cerebral cavities free-floating tsistitserka obstructive hydrocephaly develops. At a rupture of cysts and hit of their contents subacute eosinophilic meningitis develops in liquor. Mortality at neurocysticercosis makes up to 50%.

Brain cysticercosis
The basis to suspect neurocysticercosis at the patient are data on visit of local areas or developing countries, existence of eosinophilic meningitis or inexplicable convulsive attacks, focal neurologic disturbances and mental disorders. Suspicion is confirmed at detection on KG or MRT of multiple calciphied pathological cysts; use of contrast allows to receive more sharp image of the pathological centers. The diagnosis is finally verified given a serological research of blood serum and TsSZh, sometimes contents of cysts.
Treatment of neurocysticercosis:
Albendazole (7,5 mg/kg inside each 12 h within 8-30 days; the maximum daily dose of 800 mg) is choice drug. The praziquantel from 20 to 33 mg/kg in 3 times/days within 30 days can be as an alternative used. Dexamethasone on 8 mg of 1 times / суг inside or intravenously during the first 2-4 days will help to reduce intensity of the acute inflammatory response to death of larvae. For some time anticonvulsant drugs can be demanded. According to indications carry out surgical removal of cysts and installation of the ventrikulyarny shunt.

Brain MRT at neurocysticercosis (before treatment)