
Producer: CJSC Generium Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: H01AC01
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Lyophilisate for preparation of solution for hypodermic introduction.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 4 ME (1,33 mg), 8 ME (2,67 mg) or 16 ME (5,33 mg) Somatotropinum.
Excipients: 0,3% solution of a metakrizol as solvent.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Genetically engineered somatotropic hormone, influencing plates of an epiphysis of tubular bones, stimulates growth of bones of a skeleton. Chondroitin of sulfate and collagen activates synthesis, increases hydroxyproline removal. At patients with deficit of a growth hormone and osteoporosis replacement therapy leads to normalization of mineral composition and density of bones.
Somatropin regulates protein metabolism: stimulates transport of amino acids in a cell and synthesis of protein. Increases number and the size of muscle cells, hepatocytes, cells of a thymic, thyroid gland, adrenal glands and gonads. Will mobilize fats: reduces concentration of cholesterol and raises TG, reduces the volume of fatty tissue. Detains Na+, K+, phosphorus and water in an organism (interferes with removal); renders anabolic (stimulates transport of amino acids in a cell and synthesis of protein), hyper glycemic action (suppresses insulin release).
Strengthening of removal of Ca2 + kidneys is compensated by the increased its absorption in Zhkt.Somatropin increases the body weight, muscular activity and physical endurance.
Indications to use:
At children at a growth disorder because of insufficient secretion of a growth hormone, at a dysgenesis of gonads (Shereshevsky-Turner's syndrome), at a chronic renal failure (depression of function of kidneys more than for 50%) in the pubertal period. At adults at deficit of a growth hormone as replacement therapy.
Route of administration and doses:
According to the instruction Rastan is entered п / to once a day, slowly, preferential before going to bed. For the purpose of prevention of a lipoatrophia it is recommended to change places of injections periodically.
The dosage of Rastan is selected individually, depending on shortage of a growth hormone, efficiency of therapy and body weight.
The recommended dose at children at deficit of a growth hormone – 25-35 mg on kg a day. Treatment needs to be begun at earlier age and to continue before puberty or before completion of growth of bones. On reaching desirable effect the treatment termination is possible.
At a lack of a growth hormone at adults the initial dosage of Rastan according to the instruction makes 150-300 mkg a day with the subsequent increase. The supporting dosage is selected individually, however in most cases it does not exceed 1 mg a day.
At a chronic renal failure at children which consequence the growth inhibition is and also the dose at Shereshevsky-Turner's syndrome recommended makes 45-50 mkg on kg a day.
Features of use:
Against the background of treatment somatropiny correction of doses of glucose-lowering drugs perhaps will be required from patients with a diabetes mellitus, there can be manifestation latentno of the proceeding hypothyroidism, and the patients receiving thyroxine can have hyperthyroidism signs.
During treatment it is necessary to control a condition of an eyeground, especially, at symptoms of intracranial hypertensia.
Hypostasis of an optic nerve demands drug withdrawal. Detection of lameness against the background of therapy rastany demands careful observation. It is necessary to change places of subcutaneous injections in connection with a possibility of development of lipoatrophias.
Hypersensitivity, malignant new growths, closing of an epiphysis, pregnancy, feeding with a breast (for the period of treatment it is necessary to refuse breastfeeding).
Storage conditions:
List B. It is necessary to store drug in the unavailable to children, protected from light place at a temperature from 2 ° to 8 °C; not to freeze. A period of validity - 2 years. The prepared solution should be stored at a temperature from 2 °C to 8 °C within 2 weeks. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 1 ampoule of Somatotropinum and solvent in a cardboard pack.