
Producer: JSC Nobel Almatinskaya Pharmatsevticheskaya Fabrika Republic of Kazakhstan
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N05CM
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Syrup.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 694,444 mg of liquid extract of a passionflower.
Excipients: sugar, glycerin, alcohol, нипагин, нипасол, the deionized water.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Extract of the Passionflower (passionflower) is received from Passiflora incarnata plant. Палора® has sedative, anxiolytic and spasmolytic activity. The identified active agents are alkaloids harmin, арибин, and also flavonoids витексин and ориентин.
Палора® has sedative effect on the central nervous system in the period of abstinence. Drug reduces the need for alcohol, eliminates neurotic frustration, improves mood, a dream, increases working capacity, reduces dizziness, a sonitus.
Indications to use:
- neurasthenia;
- vegeto-vascular dystonia;
- climacteric and preklimakterichesky periods;
- the increased nervousness;
- sleep disorder;
- symptomatic arterial hypertension;
- alcoholism (as supportive application);
- epilepsy (as supportive application);
- Menyer's disease (as a part of complex therapy).
Route of administration and doses:
Adults and children are more senior than 12 years For achievement of soothing action - on 5-10 ml / 1-2 a measured spoon before food 3 times a day.
At frustration of a dream to accept 10 ml of drug, before going to bed. An average course of treatment - 20-30 days.
The maximum single dose of-10 ml, daily - 30 ml.
Features of use:
With care appoint at a serious organic illness of digestive tract (a peptic ulcer, a gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERB), malignant tumors, cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis), at a diabetes mellitus.
Pregnancy and lactation. Use of drug during pregnancy and a lactation is possible in cases when the estimated advantage of therapy for mother exceeds potential risk for a fruit or the child.
Features of influence of medicine on ability to manage vehicles and potentially dangerous mechanisms. Patients should be informed on the danger connected with control of automobiles, service of the mechanical equipment and other potentially dangerous types of activity.
Side effects:
- drowsiness;
- feeling of fatigue;
- dizziness;
- muscular weakness.
Interaction with other medicines:
Administration of drug with the substances oppressing the central nervous system (alcohol, barbiturates, tranquilizers) can cause strengthening of sedative and somnolent effect.
It is necessary to avoid use of the drug Palora® together with Disulfiramum.
The people accepting aspartame (at a fenilketonuriya), can have a deposit in urine.
- individual sensitivity to one of drug components;
- children's age up to 12 years.
It is not revealed.
Storage conditions:
To store in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children! Period of storage 3 years. Not to apply after a period of storage.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Syrup of 100 ml in glass bottles together with a measured spoon and the application instruction in a cardboard pack.