
Producer: Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N07XX10
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
1 tablet contains glycine in terms of 100% substance of 0,1 g;
Additional substances: montanic glycolic, polyvinylpirrolidone low-molecular medical, calcium stearate oydragit RS 30D, wax.
Main physical and chemical properties: tablets white, with a creamy shade of color.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Glycine represents replaceable amino acid (a natural metabolite), is a neurotransmitter of brake type of action and the regulator of metabolic processes in the central nervous system, reduces psychoemotional tension, increases intellectual working capacity. Has neurotyre-tread, antistress, sedative effect, improves metabolism of a brain, normalizes a dream. Promotes neutralization of toxic products of oxidation of alcohol, reduces an abstinence syndrome, reduces a morbid attraction to alcohol. Does not cause accustoming.
Pharmacokinetics. Easily gets into the majority of biological liquids and body tissues, including into a brain. Quickly collapses in a liver glitsinoksidazy to water and carbon dioxide. Accumulation of glycine in fabrics does not happen.
Indications to use:
Глицисед®-КМП it is appointed to children and adults at treatment of asthenic states, vegeto-vascular dystonias, for increase in intellectual working capacity (as the means improving thought processes and ability to perceive and remember information), at a psychoemotional tension, an acrimony, at depressions, for normalization of a dream as the means weakening the inclination to alcohol reducing the abstinence phenomena; at various functional and organic diseases of a nervous system (disturbance of cerebral circulation, infectious a target="_blank" href="">diseases of a nervous system, effect of the postponed craniocereberal injuries, perinatal and other forms of encephalopathies, including alcoholic genesis).
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is used sublingual and held in a mouth before full dissolution of a tablet.
To children, teenagers, adults at a delay of intellectual development, psychoemotional tension, decrease in intellectual working capacity, memory, attention, at deviant forms of behavior Glitsised®-KMP appoint on 1 tablet (0,1 g) 2–3 times a day within 15–30 days. A daily dose – 0,3 g.
To children: Sublingual use of drug causes difficulties at use it for treatment of children up to 3 years.
To children 3 years with a hyperexcitability are more senior, emotional lability and a sleep disorder appoint 0,1 g (1 tablet) 2–3 times a day, a course of treatment – 7–14 days. If necessary the course of treatment is repeated.
The adult at an asthenoneurotic syndrome drug is appointed on 2 tablets by 3 times a day within 20–30 days.
At sleep disorders appoint on 0,05–0,1 g (1/2–1 tablet) in 20 minutes prior to a dream.
In the period of acute alcoholic intoxication, at manifestations of aggression and a hyperphrenia with a simultaneous inclination to alcohol appoint 0,1 g (1 tablet) once, if necessary appoint repeatedly, with an interval of 15-20 minutes.
At an alcoholism for elimination of hard drinking at first appoint 1 tablet (0,1 g), in 20 minutes – the second, in 60 minutes – a third, then – on 1 tablet 3–4 times within 1 days. The general daily dose should not exceed 0,6–0,7 g.
At an abstinence syndrome drug is appointed on 1 tablet by 2 times a day within 5–7 days. In the subsequent, within 6–15 days - on 1 tablet in the morning.
The course dose is equal to 2,8-4,2 g.
In case of need courses of treatment of Glitsisedom®-KMP repeat 4–6 times a year.
Features of use:
To patients with tendency to hypotension of Glitsised®-KMP appoint in smaller doses and on condition of regular control of arterial pressure. At its decrease below usual level administration of drug is stopped.
Side effects:
At individual hypersensitivity development of allergic reactions is possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Глицисед®-КМП reduces toxicity of antikonvulsant, anti-psychopathic means, antidepressants. At a combination to hypnotic drugs, tranquilizers and anti-psychopathic means the effect of braking of the central nervous system amplifies.
About clinical manifestations of overdose of data is not available.
Storage conditions:
To store in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature from 15 °C to 25 °C. A period of validity – 3 years. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 10 tablets in a blister strip packaging. 5 blister strip packagings in a pack.