
Producer: LLC NPF Materia Medika Holding Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N07XX10
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Main physical and chemical characteristics: tablets of a ploskotsilindrichesky form, with a notch and a facet from color, white to white with a cream or grayish shade; on a flat side with a notch MATERIA MEDICA text is put, on another a flat side TENOTEN text is put;
Structure. 1 tablet contains antibodies to mozgospetsifichesky protein S-100afinnoochishchennye: mix homeopathic divorced C12, C30 and C200 – 0,003 g;
other components: lactose, cellulose microcrystallic, magnesium stearate.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Tenoten shows anxiolytic, antidepressive, nootropic, a stress - tire-tread, anti-asthenic, anti-anamnestic, protigipoksichesky, neurotyre-tread action.
Modifikuye functional activity of protein S-100 which carries out in a brain of a combination of synoptic (information) and metabolic processes. Carries out GAMK-mimetichesky and neurotrophic action, increases activity of streslimitiruyushchy systems, promotes resuming of processes of neyronalny plasticity.
Does not cause sedative, miorelaksantny, cholinolytic action.
In the conditions of intoxication, a hypoxia, at states after an acute disorder of cerebral circulation neurotyre-tread action carries out, limits a damage zone, improves processes of training and memory.
Inhibits processes peroxide oxidation of lipids.
Pharmacokinetics. It is not studied.
Indications to use:
Neurotic and neurosis-like disturbances with manifestations of alarm or alarming and depressive symptomatology; asthenic states.
Moderately expressed organic disturbance of TsNS which are followed by instability of an emotional background, irritability, apathy, hypoactivity, decrease in memory, vegetative disturbances.
Route of administration and doses:
On one reception – 1 tablet of Tenoten (to hold in a mouth before full dissolution).
Depending on weight of a state to take 1-12 pill a day:
from 1 tablet in the morning on an empty stomach at easy neurosis-like frustration to 6 receptions to 2 tablets at the expressed alarming and depressive disturbances. A course of treatment – 1-3 months; if necessary the course of treatment can be continued up to 6 months or to repeat in 1-2 months.
Features of use:
Due to the availability in operation of drug of the activating component to carry out the last reception not later, as in 2 hours prior to a dream.
At use of drug in the period of acute alcoholic abstinence isolated cases of disturbance of accommodation after the first administration of drug which have short-term character (no more than 30-40 minutes) can be observed and do not demand drug withdrawal.
Side effects:
When using according to the specified indications and in the specified dosages of side effect it is not revealed.
Reactions of the increased individual sensitivity to drug components are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Cases of incompatibility with other sedatives are not revealed.
The increased individual sensitivity to drug components, children's age up to 18 years; drug use Tenoten children's is shown to children and persons under 18.
Overdose cases are not revealed so far.
Storage conditions:
To store in the unavailable to children, dry, protected from light place at a temperature not above 25 °C. Period of validity-3 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 20 tablets in a blister strip packaging, on 1 or on 2 planimetric packagings in a cardboard box.