Prevention of a meningococcal infection
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see also:
- Meningitis
- Bacterial meningitis
- Cryptococcal meningitis
- Purulent meningitis
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
The main preventive actions are identification and treatment of a source of a contagium (the patient or a meningokokkonositel). In the center early identification of meningokokkonositel and patients with a nasopharyngitis (especially in preschool institutions, schools, technical training college, nursing homes) method of survey and a bacteriological research on a carriage of a meningokokk is necessary. The revealed patients are isolated in a hospital or at home and allowed in collectives after a double negative take of bacteriological inspection.
In children's collectives convalescents are allowed after a single negative take of the bacteriological examination conducted not earlier than in 10 days after an extract from a hospital.
For family members or children's collective where the patient is revealed, and medical observation within 10 days with daily thermometry and survey of a nasopharynx is established by other persons contacting to the patient. From families where there was a disease, children are not allowed in children's collectives before receiving a negative take of a bacteriological research.
Measures of restraint of ways of transfer of activators — reduction of density of accommodation of children (arrangement of beds in child care facilities at distance not less than 1 m), use are important for bedrooms of additional rooms, long stay of children and teenagers on air. At the outbreaks of an infection it is recommended to carry out wet cleaning with disinfecting solutions in rooms, the current and final disinfection. The persons who are looking after patients have to wear gauze masks.
The expressed preventive effect at introduction is established to the children who were in contact with patients with a meningococcal infection, gamma-globulin in a dose of 3 ml it is desirable as soon as possible, but not later than the 7th day after isolation of the patient.
According to epidemiological indications vaccination is carried out.

Outward of a meningokokk - the causative agent of a meningococcal infection