Enteroviral meningitis
- Description
- Symptoms of Enteroviral meningitis
- Reasons of Enteroviral meningitis
- Treatment of Enteroviral meningitis
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see also:
- Meningitis
- Bacterial meningitis
- Cryptococcal meningitis
- Purulent meningitis
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Enteroviral meningitis – the viral infectious disease which is characterized by fever, severe headaches, vomiting.

Defeat of a meninx at meningitis
Symptoms of Enteroviral meningitis:
The incubation interval at enteroviral serous meningitis averages about 1 week. More often city dwellers are ill, it is preferential the children up to 7 years visiting preschool institutions. The meningeal syndrome proceeds is usually good-quality, with improvement within several days.
Deaths are rare.
Serous meningitis is followed by fever, headaches, photophobia and meningeal symptoms.
The clinical picture of enteroviral meningitis substantially depends on age of patients. Newborn children and children of early age (up to 2 - 3 months) enter into special risk group.
Enteroviral defeat of TsNS in the specified age usually is a part of a serious general disease. At the same time serous meningitis and/or an encephalomeningitis can be diagnosed for 27 - 62% of children with an enteroviral infection. In case of the progressing development of system displays of an infection, such as liver necrosis, myocarditis, a necrotizing coloenteritis, intravascular coagulation, a disease reminds bacterial sepsis. The lethal outcome observed at a part of children is connected at the same time not with defeat of TsNS, and is result of an acute liver failure (ESNO viruses) or myocarditis (Koksaki's viruses).
At children of more advanced age and at adult persons the disease of enteroviral meningitis begins sharply, with sudden temperature increase to 38 - 40 - C. After this development of a stiff neck, headaches, a photophobia is observed. At a part of patients vomiting, appetite loss, diarrhea, rash, pharyngitis, mialgiya are noted. The disease lasts usually less than one week. Many patients feel much better soon after a lumbar puncture.
The neurologic symptoms connected with an inflammation of meningeal covers at children of early age include a stiff neck and protrusion of a fontanel. Symptoms can have the erased character. Development of serous meningitis is often accompanied by such symptoms of a disease as temperature increase, concern, a bad dream, rashes on integuments, rhinitis, diarrhea. In case of the easy course of an enteroviral infection the meningeal syndrome at children proceeds is good-quality and, as a rule, quickly, within 7 - 10 days, comes to an end with an absolute recovery without the residual phenomena. Salutary impact on the course of serous meningitis is made by the spinal puncture leading to decrease in intracerebral pressure and promoting bystry improvement of a condition of the child.
The forecast at the children and adults who had enteroviral meningitis, as a rule, favorable. There are, however, instructions that the certain children who had enteroviral meningitis suffer from disturbances of the speech and have difficulties in school training. At adult persons within several weeks after the postponed infection headaches can remain.
Reasons of Enteroviral meningitis:
Enteroviral meningitis can be caused by Koksaki's viruses And yes Koksaki V, ECHO, enteroviruses of 68 and 71 serotypes, contains RNA. The epidemic outbreaks of serous meningitis with high contageousness are possible. Preferential children at the age of 5 9 years get sick. Incidence considerably increases in the spring and in the summer.
Treatment of Enteroviral meningitis:
Obligatory bed rest. From medicines appoint analgetics, nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs, antiemetic and sedatives. Against the background of the general treatment of meningitis, the attending physician has the right to appoint the drugs directed to improvement of health of the patient: elimination of toxicosis, cerebral decompression, improvement of work of vessels of a brain, etc. Pathogenetic treatment of enteroviral meningitis consists in administration of Prednisolonum for 5-7 days. Patients are isolated for 14 days. Contact enter gamma-globulin.