
Producer: LLC PIK-FARMA Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N06BX12
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent – an atsetilkarnitina a hydrochloride (карницетин) 0,295 g (there correspond 0,25 g of an atsetilkarnitin), excipients: cellulose microcrystallic, silicon dioxide colloid (A-300 aerosil), magnesium stearate before obtaining mass of contents of the capsule of 0,34 g; solid gelatin capsules: structure of capsules: gelatin, глицерол (glycerin), нипагин (methylparahydroxybenzoate), нипазол (пропилпарагидроксибензоат), sodium lauryl sulfate, the water purified titanium dioxide.
Description: contents of capsules – powder from color, white to white with a yellowish shade, with a slight smell of acetic acid. Capsules of white color No. 0.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Acetyl - L - a carnitine (ALCOHOL), the natural biologically active agent which in physiological conditions is present at an organism in various bodies and fabrics, including in TsNS participates in metabolism of fatty acids and carbohydrates. The pharmacological and biological effect of ALCOHOL is in many respects caused by metabolic effects of a L-carnitine and the acetyl groups which are its part. Acetyl - L - a carnitine (ALCOHOL), biologically active form of a L-carnitine, key substance in the course of a catabolism of fats and formation of energy in an organism. ALCOHOL is synthesized in brain fabric, a liver and kidneys from a L-carnitine with the participation of karnitinatsetiltransferaza enzyme. As ALCOHOL delivers the activated acetate directly in a mitochondrion matrix for education atsetil-KOA, participating in a cycle of tricarboxylic acids, without additional expenditure of energy, it represents easily available substrate for start of volatile exchange processes in a mitochondrion. Due to full power providing an organism at smaller consumption of oxygen with ALCOHOL fabrics protects brain tissues from ischemia. Thanks to the structural similarity to acetylcholine, ALCOHOL has cholinomimetic effect, and also shows neuroprotective properties. It increases cellular concentration of aspartic and glutaminic acid, and also taurine, at prolonged use N-methyl-D-aspartate - receptors in a hippocampus, bark and a striatum increases density and interferes with reduction of their density in the conditions of aging. ALCOHOL strengthens effects of serotonin, and also protects brain cells from neurotoxic effects of ammonia and a glutamate. Results of pilot studies showed that ALCOHOL has anti-anamnestic activity, ability to improve training processes, indicators of not associative memory, to render positive effect on mnestichesky functions in the conditions of experimental model of Alzheimer's disease, without causing at the same time side effects of sedative and myorelaxation character. ALCOHOL increases energy development, being easily available substrate for start of volatile exchange processes in a mitochondrion. Stimulates protein synthesis and phospholipids for creation of membranes, improves regeneration processes. At pathology has neurotyre-tread effect, especially in relation to neurons and their organellas (mitochondrions), and also neurotrophic action due to modulation of activity of the nerve growth factor (NGF). Possesses antioxidant and membrane stabilizing action. ALCOHOL can accelerate regeneration of nervous cells at traumatic and endocrine damages of peripheral nerves on experimental models
polyneuropathy at diabetes. The noticeable effect of ALCOHOL renders on delay of processes of aging due to strengthening of transport of fatty acids in a mitochondrion and maintenance of their work at the level of a young organism. ALCOHOL can accelerate regeneration of nervous cells at traumatic and endocrine damages of peripheral nerves on experimental models of diabetes.
Pharmacokinetics. In researches at oral administration (500 mg/kg) the maximum concentration of drug in blood steps on animals in 4 hours and makes 40 μМ/л within 8 hours. Absorption of ALCOHOL comes from a GIT at the expense of active transport or by simple diffusion through a mucous membrane (on condition of its high concentration). Including cerebral, ALCOHOL comes to the majority of fabrics from a circulatory bed (an exception the liver and a small intestine make) in not changed look. Comes to a cell of ALCOHOL due to direct volatile process against a concentration gradient. It is brought out of an organism by kidneys.
Indications to use:
Initial dementia of altsgeymerovsky type (Alzheimer's disease) and cerebral and vascular dementia. Peripheral neuropathy of various etiology. Primary and secondary involutional syndromes against the background of vascular encephalopathies. Decrease in intellectual working capacity, for improvement of concentration of attention and memory.
Route of administration and doses:
Karnitsetin accept inside. The single dose for adults usually makes 1-4 capsules, a daily dose of 6-12 capsules. A course of treatment – 1-4 months.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions are possible; nausea, heartburn.
Interaction with other medicines:
Cases of medicinal interaction are noted.
Individual hypersensitivity to drug. Age up to 18 years (efficiency and safety are not established). Use at pregnancy and a lactation. Special researches about a possibility of use at pregnancy and during breastfeeding were not conducted; apply only if the estimated advantage for mother exceeds risk for a fruit. For the period of treatment it is necessary to stop breastfeeding.
Cases of overdose are not registered.
Storage conditions:
In the dry, protected from light place at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 2 years. Not to use after the termination of a period of validity.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Capsules of 295 mg.
On 10 or 15 capsules in a blister strip packaging. 6 blister strip packagings on 10 capsules or 4 blister strip packagings on 15 capsules together with the application instruction place in a pack from a cardboard.